miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

Woddeley's Occult Primer - A Continuation

Once upon a time I was a whippersnapper wiz, and remember fondly my perusing the pages of Woddeley's to learn the rudiments of magical methods and spells.  The little book does not cover the whole of the skills employed in magic, though, so I have taken upon myself to write an expansion that does precisely that job. Here goes the introduction to WOPC - Woddeley's Occult Primer - A Continuation:

Ah, deare reader, how delyghtful it is to fee thyne journey in the magycal arts progrefs. The prymer thou haft already studied layd a fine groundwork, offering thee a tafte of the wondrous pofsibilities that magick affordeth. Howbeit, as with any noble purfuit, there is alwayes more to learne, more to mafter, and more to underftand. This supplement serveth as the next step in thyne education, addreffing those finer points and subtler skills that, for one reafon or another, were not fully explored in the initial volume.

Thynk of this supplement as a wyse elder gently guyding thee through the remaining paths of the magycal foreft. It is not that thy previous leffons were lacking—oh no, they were merely the beginning, a gentle breeze to set thee on thy way. Now, it is time to fill in those little gaps, to refine thyne underftanding, and to enfure that no stone is left unturned in thyne purfuit of magycal excellence. As thou turneft these pages, take thy time, and let the knowledge within feep into thy very being, for it is here that thou wilt fynd the completeness that every dedicated practitioner seeketh.

You may have seen in previous pages the black and white woodblock engravings I had made for my personal edition of Woddeley's. I have hired the same craftsmen to repeat their efficacious job with this new volume of mine, and here is the image that will accompany the above introduction:

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