martes, 17 de septiembre de 2024

Defensive Spells

In the noble difcipline of Defenfive Spelles, a wizzard or witch doth hone the arte of protection, crafting potent fpelles to shielde againft the myriade dangers of the worlde. Maftery yn this crafte governeth both the power and casting speed of defenfive magicks, enablinge fwift erection of formidable barriers. From forginge wardes that repel darke enchantments to conjuringe fhields against physical and magickal affaults, and weavinge protections againft the elements, proficiency in Defensive magick ys vital for furvival. As skill deepeneth, these defenses grow more refilient, allowing the practitioner to fafeguard not only themself but others, standing as a guardian againft the forces of harme.

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