miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles

What's it called? Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles (in brief, OBBK)

What does it do? The spell actually turns your knuckles into brass, which means that your pulls and punches will greatly increase the damage they give. Essentially, then, it acts as a boost for unarmed combat, which a priori could be a sound election for a wizard (lower burden, more hits and, with this spell, a bit more damage).
The problems with the spell are quite a few, though, making it effectively useless. Its effects are extremely short lasting (with well over guildmax and requirements, the Knuckles don't last even for a minute. A duration similar to other spells -cfs. Stacklady's- would be necessary just to make it worthwhile), and there's the danger of very easily killing yourself with it, if you re-cast the spell again while still under the effects of the first cast: your whole body will turn to brass and stop breathing.
Overall, then, not a bad concept, but it needs some tweaking and improving.

Where is it? As it touches on transmutations into minerals and metals, it fits beside the other spells of Thee Dyscyplyne of thee Stoane grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? A brass ring, which is consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? Evoking, Binding, Earth, Fire, Binding (2)

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles.
You inspect your hands.
You touch each knuckle to your lips.
You place a brass ring on one finger and remember the solidity of the earth beneath you.
You mutter to your knuckles and the ring that they might like to become better acquainted.
You do something cunning to the molecular structure of the ring.
The ring softens and flows, the metal sinking into your knuckles.
Your knuckles become brassy, and seem to hum very faintly.

Help Information:

Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles - Harden your hands.

Old Bellicus' Brazen Knuckles is a first order offensive spell which transmutes the knuckles of your hands into brass for a while

Twin Tweaks

As the Disc is unaccesible at the moment (let's pray it isn't another rollback!), I have the time to comment of two little tweaks made on spells (an information I'll also add to the corresponding spell descriptions), and make a new entry on a whole new one...

As to the tweaks, Mallaggar has informed me that Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer lasts quite a long time now, and when it runs out, it shows a distinctive message, it being thus:

There is the sound of a cymbal being struck very lightly and a faint whiff of lemons.

The other change has affected Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet. The created amulet will last for exactly 1 (discworld) year, before melting away and leaving the following message:

Your delicate hyaline amulet softly and silently melts away with the turn of the year, leaving only a lingering touch like a snowflake.

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Narquin’s Mist of Doom

What's it called
? Narquin’s Mist of Doom (in short, NMD)

What does it do? It causes your opponents and yourself a bit of damage. Generally, more to them than to you. The mechanism is as follows: first one cuts oneself, and from the blood invokes a poisonous mist. Then, the said mist is sent towards your adversaries.
As to the uses of the spell, I tended to find it reasonably handy at low levels. A newbie wizard that wants to get beyond the Occular Lance but is still unable to Pragi can make a certain use of this spell and the fire-bunnies. The main handicap, aside from the relatively low damage, is the auto-damage made in casting, which can stop the spell. This can generally be avoided with some more robustness (i.e. other.health).
The mist also affects trolls efectively, so if you have the will and the mindspace, it might come handy as a troll-finisher, if you don't have or don't want to spend torches and candles...

Where is it? We're talking about some interesting and amusing nigromancy here, so the spell lies inside the Body Parts for the Advanced Student grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? A knife. And having blood in your veins (some hps are spent). If you are under the protection of a troll skin, it might be necessary to use the jagged sparky knife, but it isn't recommended (some say the uses of the knife weaken the trollskin).

What skills do I need? Summoning, Healing, Abjuring, Animating

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Narquin’s Mist of Doom on xxx.
You beckon to the spirits of blood.
You cut your arm and let your blood spill out and pool at your feet.
You call to the bood to rise forth and bond with air.
You send forth the mists to consume xxx.
The black mist washes over xxx causing his skin to crackle and burn as if it were splashed with acid.

Help Information:

Narquin's Mist of Doom - Damage yourself and your opponent.

Narquin's Mist of Doom is a first-order spell that uses the caster's blood to cause DOOM to a target.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Rollback Raiding!

As you probably well know, some kind of accident in the space-time continuum has produced a roll-back a few days ago which automatically deleted 10 days out of existence in the recent past. As a result of this most unfortunate incident I've lost the custom staff I had ordered, a good bunch of experience spent in dancing lessons of the magical persuasion, and a few hard-won taskmasters (in binding, offensive, channeling and cursing). Still, it could have been worse, I gather...

So, there remains nothing else to do but sulk a bit and work on recovering the losses, hoping the black holes of chronotopoi don't get a custom of assaulting us and disarming our hard-won abilities...

sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Narquin’s Hand of Acquisition

What's it called
? Narquin’s Hand of Acquisition (in short, NHA)

What does it do? Well, this spell (one of a kind with the Dismal Digit of Doom) will allow you to reanimate a dead body's hand, so that it can do the easy task of fetchting items for you that might be lying in the next-door rooms. That sums it up, really.
As to its use, it might come handy (*snarf, snarf*) for retrieving Endorfin shields or choice weapons without having to re-enter the combat arena, but otherwise, I consider it a toy spell in the main, and don't employ it much.

Where is it? You're talking about dead bits and pieces here, so the spell aptly lies inside the Ae Thouesand and Onne Thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? What do you think? A dead whale? A cup of sherry? No, of course not. A hand. From a dead body. And it is obviously consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? Convoking, Healing, Animating

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You project your thoughts into your hand and think ethereal.
You use magical energy to repair the tendons and other necessary portions of the hand.

You hold out your hand and hold the corpse’s hand in it.

The hand levitates out of your hand and looks curiously at you

Help Information:

Narquin's Hand of Acquisition - erect a limp wrist.

This spell lets you animate the hand of a dead person and force it to nick stuff from nearby rooms.


Once you've done a succesful cast, you will also get the following 'directing' message:

Use ‘grab’ to grab things. You command the hand typing "grab *item* from *direction*"

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

A Wizard's staff has a knob (or will have) at the end...

My Roundworld persona has been a bit busy during the last 2 months, but I will try to make a return to Disc and blog to continue the spell-listing and other miscellany affairs and informations...

The Sto Lat Artificer Guild isn't just a place with new spells in it. It hides secret wizard cafeterias, powerful and magical plumbing devices, sparkly items to be fetched from the gardens and some ateliers in which a sorceror of the crafty persuasion can make all kinds of custom staves and jewellery galore. There's as yet an unaccesible room which might (so I hope so) in some remote future allow for the carving of magical knobs at the end for wizzie polearms...

For the moment, the top-notch looking staves are a cute rarity, which thanks to a wizardly alt of Master Funderburk's I am able to enjoy now, and have indeed bonded to a star sapphire ring. My personal mystic mauve oak staff (yet to be deluded to some fancy name) looks something like this:

Slender and wieldy, this staff is six feet of oak shaped and balanced to be almost perfect for spellcasting or banishing demons the violent way. It has been smoothly stained mystic mauve.
It has been polished to a lustrous sheen with beeswax which breathes the scent of smoke and brimstone into the air around it.
Sparks of octarine light run across its surface.
It emits a slight octarine glow.
It is in excellent condition.