martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

Unseen University Postcards - Octangle, The Squilltemper Building


The Squilltemper Building is a large stone building on the south side of the University's main octangle.  Its key has long been lost, and general consensus is that before anyone can even think about replacing the lock, something will have to be done about the possibility of Very Large Spiders.
read plaque
You read the brass plaque:
Humanities Department  
Faculty of Musicology  
School of Ancient, Modern, and Even More Modern Languages  
Inflammarius Professorship of Dephlogistication  
All lectures to be held in Room 3B until further notice.

The door to the building is locked, but I got some kindly wizard friends to lockpick it. Unfortunately, there isn't that much to see inside it:

This oak-panelled hallway leads - in theory - into the Squilltemper Building, home to most of the Humanities Department, the Faculty of Musicology, the Inflammarius Professorship of Dephlogistication, and the School of Ancient, Modern, and Even More Modern Languages. In practice, it leads into a giant impenetrable cobweb. The studded oak door to the north looks a little more promising.

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