martes, 3 de septiembre de 2024

Some wearables (2)

Dear reader: since last we talked about this topic, I've had the chance to change some of my most common wearable items. Others, on the other hand, didn't. Let's make a quick trip with some illustrations:

First, you will remember I was carrying around a deluded deep red silk backpack. I learned that Dave the Necromancer was a little bit stronger and now had a nice component pouch, so I paid him a visit and after some loud arguments (via mandrake roots), he agreed to part ways with his. I really love the look of necromantic gear, but it is generally too heavy for a dodger like me. Dave's backpack, though, besides looking cool, is a pound lighter than mine, and much sturdier. It carries the same weight and items but it is a bit smaller, so I have to leave my wooden harp at home now:

This is a thoroughly menacing backpack.  The frame of the backpack is composed of three pairs of skeletal arms, reaching around the sleek black leather as if to restrain it in place.  Two more pairs of skeletal arms act as the straps, the fingerbones moving and clasping onto each other as if alive.  To complete the theme, a stylized skull picked out in red-tarnished iron grins morbidly from the middle of the backpack.  Silvery runes run through the black leather like quicksilver.

Octarine light pulses around it like an evil heartbeat.

It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

The ornate bone backpack has one skull pocket and one main pocket.

I have also stored away most of my Agatean clothes, which were quite heavy, and rescued both my old yellow robe and my trusty boots. The latter have the advantage of being able to sheathe my components dagger, which also means I no longer have to carry the emerald-studded belt, and *can* carry the silvery gray saya of my kodachi. 

Moving away from clothes to other wearables: I have been carrying, and continue to do so, the following trinkets on me:

Frostkiss Sentinel (Ice blue crystal brooch)

This is the last remaining bit of a lot of very lovely and spammy glass jewelry I had Libby Twinkle make for me from crystal eggs.  It is still beautiful, but it also has some practical uses:

This is a delicate brooch made of glittering ice blue crystal.  It is shaped up into a finely faceted oval, decorated with coiling silver filigree.
It seems to be strangely sensitive to the warmth of other people.
Frostkiss Sentinel is an ice blue crystal brooch.
It gives off a steady but dull octarine glow.
It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.
It is in excellent condition.

Blue ring

Even more utilitarian,  if still fancy, is a blue crystal ring for portalling out of unpleasant situations. I've been giving it quite a lot of use lately...

You recognise the blue crystal ring to be a ring of recall.  The ring is a single piece of a sapphire, cut and polished until its facets sparkle in the light.
It gives off a steady but dull octarine glow.
It is in excellent condition.

Everbright Bauble (Mirrored timepiece)

Not only has this piece been a long time with me: it also multiplies uses in lots of amazing ways.  It is a pretty silver necklace; it tells the time; it is a permalight; its mirror allows me to cast Floron's for scrying, and because it counts as a silver necklace, I am currently employing it to magically lighten the weight of my kodachi:

The face and hands of this timepiece are silver while the numbers have been picked out in mother of pearl.  It could be closed and worn as a large pendant.
The current time displayed is: 8:40pm, Wednesday 15th May Prime, UC 2049.
Everbright Bauble is a mirrored timepiece.
It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.
It appears to have something written on it.
It is in excellent condition.

Twisted black amulet

I am currently wearing two of these. not only do they look amazing (no demonologist should be without them!), but they prove incredibly protective. A long time ago I made a big stock of them and as soon as they've melted, I go to the Djelibeybi vault for more:

This piece of black-stained silver isn't quite flat, and isn't evenly rounded, as though it had been warped by a fire.  The spikes and hooks around the rim have a disturbingly organic look, and the eldritch runes spiralling around the face are never the same twice.  Occasionally, you can make out glimmers of meaning in the runes, but the bitter, doleful words always retreat and change before your mind can do more than take a glimpse of the vast, empty infinity of unpleasant truth behind the blackened silver.
The metal looks dull and lifeless.
It is in excellent condition.

Senssu Fan

Not strictly worn, but carried. And yet once could say that for a person steeped into Agatean culture, it is an indispensable item, and non trivial skills and cultural accomplishment are necessary for opening and shutting it with elegance:

The fan is an essential accessory for any noble, allowing one to accentuate any mood and speak volumes with a tiny gesture.  At need, they might snap open this particular example to reveal the sharpened steel ribs and deliver a most pointed lesson in proper etiquette.  The strong, rich crimson silk has been beautifully painted with running horses.
The crimson senssu fan is currently open.
It is in excellent condition.

Sung family crest

And finally, my Agatean family crest. I am a loyal follower of house Sung. Besides, I have converted the silver carp into a talker:

Finely crafted in silver, this sigil shaped like a koi carp marks the owner as a member of the Sung family.
Just beneath the surface, you can make out what looks like a pair of glittering eyes.
It emits a slight octarine glow.
It appears to have something written on it.
It is in excellent condition.

read crest
You read the Sung family crest:
Written in neatly engraved letters:
Winswand, Sagely Lotus of House Sung

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