viernes, 30 de agosto de 2024

Wurphle's Packed Lunch

A few days ago I managed to master the skills I needed to cast this beauty (with a little help from a bronze helm, I must admit). This means there are only 3 spells left I have never cast, and which in no long time must go down to 0. Yippee!!

What's it called? Wurphle's Packed Lunch (WPL in short)

What does it do? It creates a wizard's lunch sack, which is a wearable container that magically preserves food (and more convenient: body parts) from spoiling without the need to cure them (whether with a pickling stick or non-magical means). This makes a really useful spell, as most wizards move around a lot, harvesting eyes and hearts 'on the run', and they oftentimes go mouldy, sometimes even in mid-cast.

Where is it? It lately resurfaced inside the pages of a very sticky grimoire: The Olde Arte of Foode, in the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? This was a bit of a bugger, as components are really expensive and/or difficult to get: a hubland bear fur (I died once trying to get one of these...), a sapient pearwood seed, a wood riving, a large rhokshial crystal (this costs a small kingdom), a threaded needle and a knife. Except for needle and knife, all other components are consumed in the process. The spell also requires the focus of an octogram.

What skills do I need? animating, enchanting, whittling and binding. Requirements are pretty high, but nothing a mid-level wizard cannot muster. Perhaps the whittling is the most annoying one, even if you are a Silver Star.

Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Wurphle's Packed Lunch.
> You hold out a sapient pearwood seed in front of you and force it to sprout with your mind, weaving its branches as they grow into a wooden frame. 
You unevenly sew a dark violet bear fur over the frame to form a dark violet bag, imbuing it with magic with every pass of your whalebone needle. 
You whittle a six-foot riving of oak into an intricate magical rune and place it onto the bag, where it sticks in place. With the leftover oak, you fashion a simple clasp to hold the bag closed. 
Finally, you hold up a large blue crystal above the rune and reach into it with your mind, harnessing its power for the purpose of preservation. 
Crackling arcs of blue energy surge out of the crystal and play over the surface of the dark violet wizard's lunch sack for a moment before sinking in reluctantly.

And that's it! If all has gone well, you should amidst your hands the following beauty:

This rustic-looking pouch is essentially a large dark violet fur bag designed to be worn from the waist.  Sewn together with uneven dark amber silk stitching, the fur is supported internally by a wooden frame to help it retain its shape and a simple oak clasp at the opening allows the sack to be closed securely.  A mysterious, glowing blue rune carved from oak has been affixed to the sack's surface.  While the exact purpose of the rune is indeterminable, its exciting sparkliness really hammers in the lunch sack's wizardliness to any onlooker.
A gossamer web of octarine glows dimly on its surface, emanating an aura of icy preservation.
The dark violet wizard's lunch sack has one main pocket, one dessert pocket, one cheese pocket and one appetizer pocket.
You cannot see inside it.  It is closed.
It is in excellent condition.

Notes: The pelt you get from a hubland bear can be tanned (and turned into 'fur') and dyed with a coloured ink of your choice. In my case, Thanks go to Geryon for colouring it for me.

Your skills in some crafts areas will affect the result: crafts.carpentry.whittling determines the look of the clasp ('simple' in my case) and crafts.materials.needlework the stitching ('uneven' in my case).

You may also remember that there are four colours for a rokshial crystal, whether big or small: yellow, green, blue and red. Depending on the one you find, the preservation magic is different: they will be vacuum, acidic, icy and fiery preservation respectively (mine was blue). Every time you open the sack you get a message:

A shock of frigid air escapes from the dark violet wizard's lunch sack as it opens.

At the bottom you can enjoy an iconograph of my own one.

Help Information:

Wurphle's Packed Lunch - crafts a lunchsack for keeping your lunch in

This spell helps you craft a lunchsack using a hubland bear fur, sapient pearwood seed, wood riving and a large rhokshial crystal. A threaded needle and a knife are also required, but not consumed.

The resulting lunchsack will keep food magically fresh using the power of the large rhokshial crystal. Its appearance will vary depending on the colour of the bear fur, the colour of the crystal, the type of wood riving and the type of thread on the needle.

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