miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon

What's it called? Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon (in short, DKDD)

What does it do? It kills people, and is one of the best spells for doing this in the Disc. Technically speaking, it brings forth a demon that attacks your intended target (most of the time; a non trivial number of times, it attacks you). It only attacks one target at a time.

What does it require? A heart (consumed in the process). An optional and very handy extra is casting it while wearing a darkened silver amulet, which will protect you from (some) backfires and will eventually melt after a certain number of uses.

What skills do I need? Dancing, Cursing, Summoning, Abjuring, Banishing

Has it worked? You'll know if it didn't... A correct output will read something like this:

You trace out complex runes on the ground with your feet.
You speak horrible names and blasphemous rites.
You squeeze the heart in your hand, calling forth demonic power.
You order the gathering shadows to destroy the troll bodyguard. 
You scream: Avaunt, foul spirit!
A mass of shadow suddenly comes alive, forming into humanoid shape. 
 With a terrible laugh it hurls itself towards the troll bodyguard. 
The demon chews on the troll bodyguard's face; he screams horribly. 
The demon slowly fades back into shadow, leaving behind a sickly smell and an oily feel to the air.

In this example, I have chosen one of 7 possible damage messages. This is one is the second highest, and sometimes comes with a funny aftereffect:

The demon appears to have bitten off the troll bodyguard's nose!

The seven + one damage messages you can get are (in what I think is damage order, from least to most):

A patch of shadow starts to form, but slowly melts again, leaving only a faint stench of evil.
The demon flicks the mercenary's ear, hard. 
The demon sucker-punches the huge troll. 
The demon rends the lumbering troll with its claws. 
The demon cruelly punctures the angry troll fighter with razor-sharp claws, tearing stone flesh apart.
The demon shreds the hulking troll with razor-sharp claws, sinking fangs into his stony flesh. 
The demon chews on the angry troll fighter's face; she screams horribly 
The demon sticks its arm entirely through the murderous fighter. You can see it on the other side!

As noted, the spell can backfire rather terribly. This comes from either failing the skillchecks, or just from the demon deciding to attack you anyway. For the latter, the amulets offer some protection.

Damage mostly comes in two forms: there's the pure damage of the demon hurting you, and there's an extra damage sometimes that comes from possession, which accumulates through time before going away, and gives some funny messages. After some time, it goes away:

A ball of shadow begins to form, and suddenly attaches itself to you! 
You feel darkness enter your inner being... 
Your head slowly rotates around in a full circle. 
You scream. 
You loudly exclaim: Ghrrzg Xrepticca R'thag R'yleh Fthaugn!
You suddenly vomit a thick green liquid that looks suspiciously like pea soup. 
You say: You are mine, all mine! 
You laugh demonically. 

You feel the nightmare presence leave your body.

Notes: This is one of two top wizard spells. I find it invaluable: even if it can backfire, it is a consistent troll-killer. It will allow you to kill things which others spells hardly dent. It does take a long time to cast, though.
Having said that, today I experienced a backfire of +2800 hps damage which almost killed me. I know other people get these regularly. I've been lucky, or the amulets and decent skill bonuses are protecting me.

Help Information:

Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon - summon a demon to damage a single target.

Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon is a first-order offensive spell that summons a demonic creature to attack its target.

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