sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024

Books - Spells of Thee Moste Ceremonious Rite of AshkEnte

At the moment, I think there are only four spells that I haven't been able to cast yet. Two of them lie inside this grimoire, not so long ago rediscovered deep into the aisles of the Unseen University library. The are the famous spells for summoning Death itself! Their very specific purpose, the really expensive components consumed in the summoning, the requirement of many wizards with top-level skills for the casting, all conspire against any uses in the near future.

Still, I decided to go and take a look at the book. Here it goes:

This is somewhere in the Library of Unseen University. You are at a dead-end: there are shelves to your right, to your left and in front of you. 
The air is filled with a low susurration, the sort of noise that would be produced if you took a thousand people wearing leather gloves and got them to play pianos with no strings.
There is a strange distortion in space and time to the left of you!
Your skin tingles with the discharge of magic and the air feels greasy and tastes of tin.
There are two obvious exits: backward and left.
A closed plain black book is chained to the ornate lectern. 
look lectern
This tall reading desk has been fancifully fretted and carved with phantasmagorically interlaced gryphons, dragons, and twisting vines. Here and there, a tiny wizard looks out from the pattern, clutching the lines as if still trying to escape...
look book
This is a small and square book, whose cover is the deepest darkest black. A faint blue aura is visible when you are not looking directly at it. Small octarine sparks crackle fitfully through the creases and folds in the pages. It appears to have something written on it. It is closed. 
> read book 
You read the cover of the closed plain black book: Spells of Thee Moste Ceremonious Rite of AshkEnte
> open book
You open the tome to page 1.
> read book
You read page one of the open tome:

Table of Contents 
  2 ... Malich's AshkEnte Summoning Incantation
  3 ... Malich's AshkEnte Circle

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