martes, 20 de agosto de 2024

Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance

What's it called? Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance (in short, WAMG)

What does it do? This spell is the older brother of its similarly named Worstler's Elementary Mineralogical Glance. Just as that spell allows you to scry into a rock that you have previously imprinted (through Amazing Silicate Blorper) with a room, this spell does the same, but for some piece of jewellery that you have turned into a place's blorple through the spell Al Hrahaz's Scintillating Blorper.

What does it require? Obviously, a blorpled piece of jewellery

What skills do I need? Animating, Divining, Scrying

Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance on the ruby ring.
> You call to the knowledge within the ruby ring.
You think of the location encoded in the ruby ring.
You stare at the ruby ring.
The ruby ring seems to urge you to gaze into it.
gaze into casino
You see a vision in the ruby ring:
The foyer of the Diamond City Casino is a lavish affair in red velvet drapes, golden ropes and beautiful looking staff cajoling, begging and pleading with people wandering in to spend all their money on drinks, slots and cards.  In fact, perhaps it could be fun to go and hang around at the bar and have a drink or two, sampling some of the slot machines and poker games in the process.  Most people enter the Casino after getting this far, so it would be silly not to just go with the flow now...  Wouldn't it?
There are three obvious exits: east, southeast and west.
A security guard is standing discreetly by the entrance.

Notes: If a room is protected, you are likely to get a message like this when trying to look at it:

The emerald ring's surface goes blurry, but refuses to show anything of value.

Help Information:

Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance - see a distant location. 

Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance is a miscellaneous type spell that uses the blorpled jewellery at which it is cast to scry its encoded location.   

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