jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024


The firft type of magical itemes are fcrolles, which be fpelled infcribed upon parchment, binding potent magicks within the confines of fimple paper. A fcrolle, though it may appeare unassuming, is a veffel for great power, conteyning a fpell that may either be caft directly or preferved as a memory ayde for the wyzard. When a fpell is fcribed unto a fcrolle, it lyeth dormant until such tyme as it be needful, whereupon its power may be invoked, thus releafing the fpell and removing it from the parchment. Howe'er, the handling of fcrolles is not without perill, for fpelles are capriciouf entities, prone to mifchief should they not be properly governed. Mafterie in this arte infureth that the fpelles remayne bound untill the moment of use, and that the wyzard may fafelie extract or activate the fpell without rifk.

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