sábado, 12 de octubre de 2024


Yn the discipline of Fyre magick, wizards doth wield the very essence of flame, mastering yts control through the ancient craft of fpellwork. This mastery granteth them the power to conjure fire yn divers forms, from the smallest spark to a roaring ynferno, and to shape metal through the crucible of their magical flame. They may summon fiery creatures such as djinns, Salamanders, and flame-born bunnies, each reflecting the wild and untamed nature of fire. Moreover, Fire mages can call forth wondrous displays of magical lights and fyreworks, painting the night sky with colours bright and explosions most fair. The zenith of their power lieth yn the conjuring of the dreaded fireball, a deadly sphere of flame which doth smite their foes, reducing them to naught but ash and cinders.

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