martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

People at Uni - Geryon

You see Geryon Womblesworth the Senior Wizard of Mrs. Widgery's Lodgers.

He is a strapping young human lad.

Geryon is a man of 6'1" and unusually lithe of frame as wizzards go. His hair is blonde, flecked with gray and his eyes are piercing hazel. His eyes regard you with calculating curiosity and shine with a mixture of saintly benevolence and devilish mischief.

He is in good shape.

He is standing.

His skin looks as hard as rock, although it seems weaker around the face.

He has a giant turtle shell floating around him.

Holding : Fric (left hand) and Frac (right hand).

Wearing : a pair of dark shades, a pair of black soft-soled boots, Pie Mitts, a midnight black chimerahide overcoat, a midnight black wizard's pointy hat and an emerald earring.

Carrying: a hyena right eye, an elephant right eye and a hessian sack.

His purse is fit to burst!

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