domingo, 6 de octubre de 2024


In the venerable difcipline of Earth, the adept mage doth commande the fteadfaft and unyieldinge elemente of fton, foile, and all manner of folide matter. Through the ancient incantations of this schole, one may harnefs the primale power of the grounde beneath our verie feete, calling forth tremors and earthquakes to rend the earth afunder at wille. Such maftery doth alfo grant the abilitie to fafhion a skin of rocke about onefelf or others, offering protection as enduringe as the mountaines themfelves. Moreo'er, in the more advanced practife of this arte, a wizzard may forge a bonde with the noble metals hidden within the earth's bofom. By melding and fufing these metals with their verie flefhe, the sorcerer doth endowe their limbes with the strength, refilience, and properties of the metals fo joined.

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