jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024

Even more wearables

Wizards are like magpies. I keep accumulating stuff, even though from a burden-wise point of view, I have to be more selecting about carrying it on me than I would like. Here are a few additions since last we spoke on this matter:

get morgana from every blorples

You get Fata Morgana from a pocket in Blorples.

look morgana

This is a magnificent bronze ring.  Set with a central huge multi-faceted diamond that is surrounded by twelve huge star-shaped sapphires, the ring is a masterpiece that must have taken much skill and patience to craft.  The surrounding sapphires glitter gently in the brilliant light that the diamond gives off, causing the ring to look even more spectacular in its bronze setting.

Fata Morgana is a diamond ring.

It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

Some time ago I used to have a fancy bronze ring for the casting of illusions, but I seem to have lost it somewhere, so I ordered a new one. Of course, being a wizard, it had to be the fanciest, gaudiest bronze ring I could order, something to put to shame normal finger bands of base gold. I cannot remember how much it cost, but you could probably buy a small country with that amount. No expense was spared.

look mistress

This is a band of platinum with what looks like a stylised fish design on it.  A moderately-sized sapphire is set as the visible eye.

Koi Mistress is a fish ring.

It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

I always take pride in showing off my belonging to House Sung, and a ring such as this is worn by the Lord, the Lady and the Young Lady, so I had to get one for myself.

get Sapphire Summoner from pack

You get a sapphire hilted knife from a pocket in an ornate bone backpack.

look Sapphire Summoner

With a long, one sharp sided blade this knife is pretty much like any other knife, except it is quite a bit heavier.  The cause of this is the large sapphire which resides at the base of the handle, as well as the sapphires which have been crafted into the handle in circles all the way up and down its length.  While the handle looks pretty and quite intricate and delicate, the blade is a different affair, a dark and evil affair.

Sapphire Summoner is a sapphire hilted knife.

It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

I recently rediscovered Kelleflump's Irritating Demon as a useful spell for finishing off badly damaged trolls (when they are strong, my sword is generally unable to get a dent on them). For some casts I was using a bone knife, but I made a search for the fanciest looking one I might employ, and this one turned up as an implement of a servant of house Fang, which I promptly and terminally persuaded its owner to part from. Had it deluded, too...

This pretty white gold pendant forms an elegant setting for a large trillion cut moonstone, highlighting its inherent beauty.

The moonstone pendant was a present from Urwan,  a Silver Star wizard. I have to try my own hand at gemsmithing as soon as I've been able to turn out good pots and nice rings.

I thanked Urwan with one of my fancy flutes, but was also able to use some nice calligraphy to express my gratitude. It is an art I never get enough chances to make use of, even though I have some very lovely tools with  which to do it:

get case from wardrobe
You get a red lacquer brush case from a large wardrobe.
look case
This narrow cylinder, made from smooth dark red lacquer, is perfectly sized to hold a calligraphy brush safely and securely.  A smaller version of the shigeo cord found on a katana saya wraps around the case near its throat, and can be used to secure it at the waist.
It could sheathe a brush, pencil or pen.
The red lacquer brush case contains: an expensive ebony calligraphy brush.
It is in excellent condition.

draw brush from case
You put down a wooden harp from your left hand and right hand.
You draw an expensive ebony calligraphy brush from a red lacquer brush case into your left hand.
look brush
The handle of this paintbrush is made of dark ebony wood of exceptional quality, featuring a gleaming silver collar to ensure that the deep black bristles stay in place.  The bristles themselves don't seem to belong to any recognisable animal and are incredibly fine in texture.  They are held in place by a shining silver collar that complements the darkness of the wood perfectly.  This brush looks like it would be excellent when performing intricate, detailed work.
It is in excellent condition.

I also decided to change boots, as the previous ones were a tad heavy, even if they were very fancy and could sheathe a dagger. I've gone for standard, Artificer boots, which can also sheathe wands in case I find it necessary in the future:

These knee-high brown leather boots lace up the front with sturdy cord, and both the toe-caps and the low heels have been plated with steel for protection. The workmanship is solid without being too heavy, and there's enough room inside each to hold a wand conveniently to hand. 
It could sheathe a wand.

Finally, as I've started bringing down the Heavenly Storm Dragon, I find myself in need of a staff as a component. I already carry one stowed away into the pocket dimension of a sapphire ring, but as casting this spell takes like forever, using that one would only lengthen the process. And there's a very useful piece of confectionary that one can use for this process:

l staff in pack
This is, without a doubt, one of the fabled knobbed staves of wizardly lore.  The fine-grained shaft is inlaid with sigils and runes, and the glistening knob draws all eyes with its eldritch air of barely contained arcane might.  The air around the staff feels slightly greasy, and seems to shimmer and hum with potentiality.  It's also about six inches long and made of toffee.
The knob glimmers in octarine.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024


Yn the fluid and ever-shifting discipline of Water, the learned mage doth wield command o’er the element of all that doth flow, mastering the subtle art of bendyng water by the might of arcane enchantments. With this gyft, mayhap the wizard calleth forth the waters to withdraw from his person, leaving him dry, or crafteth amulets which keep their bearer impervious to damp and wet, no matter the storm that rageth o’erhead. Yet beyond such simple charms, the adept mayst also summon the very skies, bidding the clouds to gather and bear his goods at his wille.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

Art of the Octangle (7)


Moving hubwards from our last stop, just outside the gates of Unseen University, and towards the Porter's Lodge and the Library, we come to the region of the octangle that is favored by Green Wizards / the Venerable Council of Seers:

This is just outside the Porters' lodge of the Unseen University, on the north side of a wide octagonal courtyard surrounded by lawns and dominated by ancient chestnut trees.  A door to the east leads into the Porters' lodge itself, a rather incongruously placed thatched cottage separated from the Library by a small but incredibly important gap.  The cobbled path and the lush green lawn continues to the southeast towards the main gate and the west towards the entrance to the Library, whilst a tall clock tower dominates the centre of the courtyard to the south.  A tall green-robed statue surveys the Octangle from his place against the Library wall.

There's also a celadon green oak bench, and my attempts to sit on it have the usual effects:

You sit on a celadon green oak bench.

> The bench suddenly changes its shape to become a steep slope, sending you sliding down onto the grass.

You stand up.

The bench changes back into its normal bench-like shape.

There is only one statue nearby, and that statue belongs to the generic Seer wizard:

The lichen encrusting this statue's flowing robes has fortuitously turned them a very appropriate shade of green for a member of the Venerable Council of Seers.  In his hand he holds a crystal ball, which flickers with images of people and places around the Disc.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2024

People at Uni - Ynnb

You see Ynnb Marshmallow the Green.

Companion to The Nellie.

Ynnb is almost entirely hidden in a voluminous green cloak.

She is in good shape.

She is lying on the leopard print steel grey sofa.

Her skin looks as hard as rock, although it seems weaker around the face.

She looks unusual, probably due to an extra arm growing from the centre of her chest.

She has a giant turtle shell floating around her.

Holding : a crystal-bladed dagger (left hand), a jagged coral dirk (right hand) and a Klein bottle (chest hand).

Wearing : a pair of forest green gloves and a fine forest green burnous.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2024

Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon


What's it called? Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon (JHSD for short)

What does it do? It brings down an electrical dragon from the heavens that attacks your foe(s). You cast it on only one, but the lighting can go forth to other objective(s) after hitting the first.

In a way, it is an upgraded NES that can harm multiple targets and (presumably) causes more damage than the more conventional lightning spell.

Where is it? Dragons are a very Agatean kind of creature, so the spell lies inside the Heavenly Arts volume of the Bes Pelargic Wizard L- Space Bubble.

What does it require? A staff and a torch. The latter is consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? In degree, lots. In kind, the 4 elementals (air, earth, fire, water) and channeling.

Has it worked? Trust me, you'll know if it doesn't, but a successful output reads something like this:

You sheathe Storm Serpent in the silvery grey saya.

You get a lightable torch from the ornate bone backpack.

You get a staff with a knob on the end from the ornate bone backpack.

You prepare to cast Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon on the happy dwarf warrior.

Queued command: draw sword

> The accountant says: My people will call your people.

A merchant turns his back to rearrange his wares.

You spit into the air.

You think of dragon's breath as you blow forcefully into the air, whistling a strange melodic dirge.

You strike the end of your staff with a knob on the end solidly into the ground, setting it humming with power.

With your mind in focus, you sling the torch into the sky and meditate on all the summoned elements.

You swing your staff with a knob on the end towards your hapless target.

A crackling blue serpent arrives from above, and flies toward the happy dwarf warrior in a flash of fury.

You put the staff with a knob on the end in the ornate bone backpack.

The serpent passes completely through the happy dwarf warrior.  A hole smokes where a torso used to be!

A storm serpent passes over the happy dwarf warrior and heads directly towards the skittish tabby cat.

You kill the happy dwarf warrior.

Storm Serpent settles smoothly into your grasp, its deadly potential enhanced by the perfect fit of weapon to wielder.

You draw Storm Serpent from a silvery grey saya into your left hand.

The serpent passes completely through the skittish tabby cat.  A hole smokes where a torso used to be!

A storm serpent passes over the skittish tabby cat and heads directly towards the accountant.

You kill the skittish tabby cat.

The serpent passes completely through the accountant.  A hole smokes where a torso used to be!

You kill the accountant.


Quite a few things to comment. In the casts I've made, I've found it a bit underwhelming. It takes a long time to cast - autoattacking powerful people, like citadel guards, will have your shield down before the cast is over. Also, they didn't die from a single cast. 

Do not hold anything metal while casting, or it will burn you to cinders. Also, it a spell that allegedly causes terrible damage on you when it fails, frequently killing casters. I'll tell you about it when I get my first dragon death.

The spell requires a staff, but you don't have to be holding it. In fact, you can use the toffee 'staff with a knob at the end' that you can buy in the candy store of the BP Wizard's guild. Also, as stated, you cast it on just one person.

The amount of damage you have causes comes through, as in similar spells, through the messages you get after the lightning hits its target(s). From least to most, they seem to be:

The serpent's tail misses the <target>, more or less

The serpent whips the <target> and makes his hair stand on end.

The serpent wraps the <target> in its tail and spews red orbs of energy at his chest before fading away. 
Comically, the <target> now seems extra crispy as thaumic smoke curls away from his feet.

The serpent engulfs the <target> in a flash of red, and there comes the smell of burning flesh.

The serpent bites the <target> and red ribbons stream from every part of his body.

The serpent passes completely through the <target>. A hole smokes where a torso used to be!

Not sure about 'ribbons' being worse than 'burning flesh'. When I check health after the former, the adversary is usually still quite well.

Help Information:

Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon - Summons a storm serpent.                           

Not a spell for the weak of heart.  This spell will summon a mighty storm serpent to help  you in the conquest of the Disc.  Controlling the mighty beast is far less dangerous than summoning it.    

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2024


Yn the discipline of Fyre magick, wizards doth wield the very essence of flame, mastering yts control through the ancient craft of fpellwork. This mastery granteth them the power to conjure fire yn divers forms, from the smallest spark to a roaring ynferno, and to shape metal through the crucible of their magical flame. They may summon fiery creatures such as djinns, Salamanders, and flame-born bunnies, each reflecting the wild and untamed nature of fire. Moreover, Fire mages can call forth wondrous displays of magical lights and fyreworks, painting the night sky with colours bright and explosions most fair. The zenith of their power lieth yn the conjuring of the dreaded fireball, a deadly sphere of flame which doth smite their foes, reducing them to naught but ash and cinders.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

A Cup of Klatchian Coffee


We live in a multicultural Disc, and yet the easy casting of a spell can take you in seconds from one end of it to the other, allowing you to savor its many cultures. I am really fond of the Agatean Empire aesthetic pursuits and style, but of late I have also being trying some things from darkest Klatch, including the coffee.

Although the great city of Al-Khali may be still out of bounds, there are different places to explore for he who would like to know more about our southern rival's traditions and way of life. More specifically, there is an abandoned wizard outpost, now teeming only with djinns, where one can find some interesting things:

This cavern is sweltering hot and bathed in a flickering yellow-green light.  The colouration originates from a huge furnace by the east wall, which roars with a wholly unnatural-looking fire.  Next to the furnace is an equally oversized stone table, on which sits a set of blacksmithing tools.  The atmosphere in here is grim and oppressive, and compounded by the series of disturbing images that adorn the walls.
There is one obvious exit: south.
Jassi the Inferno is floating here.
An obsidian worktable is next to the furnace.
l djinn
This is Jassi, the Inferno.  He is a massive ifrit - a fearsome and powerful type of djinn known for their cruel disposition.  His body burns with green-yellow flames and two mighty horns protrude from his forehead.  A wispy tail connects him back to the forge here like a tether - it seems that he and the forge are bound to one another.
He is in good shape.
He is floating here.

There are devious ways of getting the efrit to make some special weapons for you, which I managed with help of Thalic and Ochrion. The gold-veined khopesh was pretty disappointing: it can burst into flames, but they deal ridiculously little damage to others (more so to you).  The bronze-veined keris I have found much more useful...

l keris

This short Klatchian dagger has a fascinating flamberged blade, with thirteen wicked curves along its length and a widened, asymmetrical base.  Rich veins of bronze run throughout the steel of the blade and the minimalist grip is made of pitch-black ebony inlaid with bright white scrollwork.
It seems to constantly shed a faint dusting of sparkling sand grains.  They are almost imperceptible, visible only to those who are watching carefully.
It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

Close by you may find a dimly lit tannery where a meek djinn has some weapons and jewellery for sale. The jewellery is pretty special, and has some nice uses conjoined to some of Jassi's creations.

Here's what I bought for myself:

A large sparkling crystal sits at the centre of a black gold filigree flower in the wearer's navel, held by a slim black gold bar topped with a much smaller crystal.  Three short chains fall from the flower's petals, each ending in a matching tiny crystal.  Closer inspection of the central crystal reveals that some kind of sandstorm rages eternally within it, just below the surface.
In the midst of the sandstorm lurks a spectral figure.  It is empty-handed and waiting patiently.
It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

Nearby, in an underground hall at the same settlement, one can find a couple of djinn-managed shops. The most interesting one sells clothing, and that is the one I have explored more fully:

It's hard to tell exactly what purpose this cluttered side room might once have served, although by the looks of the equipment in here, it was multi-functional to say the least.  The charred and broken remains include what looks to have been laundry utensils, a spinning wheel and a stove.  There are more ruined items but it's hard to tell what most of them might once have been.  One large table remains intact and a modest pile of clothing is piled upon it, as if displayed for sale.  A doorway in the east wall leads back to the main hall.
There is one obvious exit: east.
Khambriya is floating here.
A skeleton warrior arrives from the east.
A skeleton warrior succeeds in following you.
You close the east door.
l khambriya
The scrawny tabby cat nuzzles the evil-looking black cat affectionately.
This is Khambriya, a most unusual looking djinn in that her body is a pale, but fluorescent yellow colour.  Tall and unmistakably feminine, she exudes a quiet sense of dignity despite dwelling in these forsaken ruins.  Her eyes betray her obvious intelligence, always watching, always thinking.
She is in good shape.
She is floating here.
Holding : a small silver needle (left hand).
Carrying: a spool of cotton thread.

I decided to try a burnous, as they look very light and nice against both heat and cold:

l burnous
This distinctly Klatchian hooded cloak is made of high-quality, spun and treated mohair that has been dyed cool white throughout its length.  It fastens across the chest with ebony buttons and forms strong lines down the body before flaring a little to end around knee-height.  Decorative gold klatchesque embroidery runs around the borders and covers most of the hood to give it an almost ornate appearance.  It looks ideal for providing protection from the harsh desert sun.
The hood has been pulled forward, shading your features.
The fine cool white burnous has one inside upper-right pocket, one inside upper-left pocket, one inside lower-left pocket and one inside lower-right pocket.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

Art of the Octangle (6)

Moving around the octangle from our last stop, next to Archchancellor Roxby's statue, and in the direction of the grand doors that are the main entrance to Unseen University, we enter the preferred space of Red wizards and Mrs. Widgery's Lodgers:

Octiron-plated gates, somehow still glinting blackly in the night, still stand wide because someone lost the key. A large official-looking notice attempts to forbid passage between Gown and Town - the ancient weight of magic and history that is Unseen University on one side, and the bustle and noise of Sator Square on the other. From the gargoyle-haunted crenellations and the ancient chestnut trees shading the green lawns, to the vast, dizzying height of the Tower of Art looming over the clock tower and the Great Hall behind it, everything is redolent of the weight of tradition. A ruddy-robed wizard statue stands ready to welcome students, whether new or returning, and the squat menace of the thatched porter's lodge is a dreadful reminder of the terrors that await them if they get caught being drunk, rowdy, or objectionably sober.

As usual, we encounter a very picky bench, this time cherry red in color, and also as usual, it does not take kindly to our attempts to use it:

You sit on a cherry red oak bench.
> The bench suddenly changes its shape to become a steep slope, sending you sliding down onto the grass.
You stand up.
The bench changes back into its normal bench-like shape.

There are lots of landmarks in this corner. Besides the huge octiron doors, the Porter's Lodge looms nearby, and a good view of all the main buildings of the university. There also a wizardly statue welcoming incomers:

A tall thin wizard carved from Klatchian sandstone looks very proud to wear the robes of Mrs Widgery's Lodgers, the oldest Order of Wizardry.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2024

Tickling the dragon's tail!

I'm on a roll of late. Another of my long-term, cherished objectives, which was the casting of Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon for the first time, has been achieved. I also haven't died in the process, which is good. The result was a bit underwhelming, though. I was expecting it to do some more damage...

You prepare to cast Journey of the Heavenly Storm Dragon on the grizzled soldier.

> Hp: 3071 (3131) Gp: 243 (437) Xp: 94792

Hp: 3075 (3131) Gp: 246 (437) Xp: 94795

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

Hp: 3079 (3131) Gp: 249 (437) Xp: 94798

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

You spit into the air.

You think of dragon's breath as you blow forcefully into the air, whistling a strange melodic dirge.

Hp: 3083 (3131) Gp: 252 (437) Xp: 94801

Hp: 3087 (3131) Gp: 255 (437) Xp: 94804

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

Hp: 3091 (3131) Gp: 258 (437) Xp: 94807

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

You strike the end of your staff with a knob on the end solidly into the ground, setting it humming with power.

Hp: 3095 (3131) Gp: 261 (437) Xp: 94810

Hp: 3099 (3131) Gp: 264 (437) Xp: 94813

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

With your mind in focus, you sling the torch into the sky and meditate on all the summoned elements.

Hp: 3103 (3131) Gp: 267 (437) Xp: 94816

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

Hp: 3107 (3131) Gp: 270 (437) Xp: 94819

Hp: 3111 (3131) Gp: 273 (437) Xp: 94822

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

You swing your staff with a knob on the end towards your hapless target.

Hp: 3115 (3131) Gp: 276 (437) Xp: 94825

Hp: 3119 (3131) Gp: 279 (437) Xp: 94828

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

Hp: 3123 (3131) Gp: 282 (437) Xp: 94831

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

A crackling blue serpent arrives from above, and flies toward the grizzled soldier in a flash of fury.

You put the staff with a knob on the end in the ornate bone backpack.

Hp: 3127 (3131) Gp: 285 (437) Xp: 94834

The serpent bites the grizzled soldier and red ribbons stream from every part of his body.

A storm serpent passes over the grizzled soldier and heads directly towards the short recruit.

The serpent bites the short recruit and red ribbons stream from every part of his body.

A storm serpent passes over the short recruit and heads directly towards the grizzled soldier.

Hp: 3131 (3131) Gp: 288 (437) Xp: 94837

The short recruit slashes at you with his Djelian battle axe but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

The grizzled soldier thrusts at you with his ash spear but your floating Tsortean metal shield swoops in and absorbs all of the blow.

The creature sizzles around the grizzled soldier.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2024

Djelian Warrior Champion!

This was a quest that I had long wanted to master, but it is really pesky about the details of preparation for it (all the more so if you're a wizard). Nevertheless, yesterday a series of unfortunate incidents to begin with (my Klein bottle broke while in the Shades) ended up with me traveling to Djelibeybi and finally mastering my goal:

A Djelian champion strides into the arena.

The Djelian champion asks in Djelian with a Djelian accent: So Winswand, you wish to challenge me to become a champion of the guild?
say yes 
You say in Djelian: yes 
There is a wild cheer from the balconies above! 
The Djelian champion grins. 
The Djelian champion exclaims in Djelian with a Djelian accent: So be it! 
The Djelian champion shouts in Djelian with a Djelian accent: Failure means death! 
The warcry doesn't faze you. 
The Djelian champion moves aggressively towards you! 
The Djelian champion slices his khopesh across your neck. 
The Djelian champion slices at you with his khopesh but you just dodge out of the way. 
Hp: 2848 (2926) Gp: 423 (429) Xp: 2039288 
The Djelian champion exclaims in Djelian with a Djelian accent: You're asking for it! 
The Djelian champion slices at you with his khopesh but you just dodge out of the way. 
Hp: 2852 (2926) Gp: 425 (429) Xp: 2039291 
You stab the Djelian champion deeply in the left foot with your tiger fang. 
The Djelian champion slices his khopesh into your head. 
Hp: 2688 (2926) Gp: 425 (429) Xp: 2039294 
You stab the Djelian champion deeply in the left arm with your tiger fang. 
The Djelian champion slices at you with his khopesh but you just dodge out of the way. 
Hp: 2692 (2926) Gp: 425 (429) Xp: 2039297 
You cut the Djelian champion's face with your tiger fang. 
The Djelian champion slices at you with his khopesh but your Grflx scale absorbs most of the blow. 
Hp: 2692 (2926) Gp: 425 (429) Xp: 2039300 
You stab the Djelian champion in the left arm with your tiger fang. 


The Djelian champion slices at you with his khopesh but your Grflx scale absorbs all of the blow. 
Hp: 1777 (2926) Gp: 400 (429) Xp: 2040081 
You launch a powerful attack. You perforate the Djelian champion's right arm with your tiger fang. 
The Djelian champion jabs his khopesh into your left hand. 
Hp: 1730 (2926) Gp: 403 (429) Xp: 2040084 
You stab the Djelian champion deeply in the left leg with your tiger fang. 
You have completed the quest Djelian Warrior Champion, in which you demonstrated great skill against a warrior while knee-deep in sand (120000 xp). 
A Creator Collector Card appears in your inventory with a flash. 
You won the duel! You can hear the sound of wild cheering from the balconies, which echo along the length of the Hall of Warriors! 
Someone on the balconies throws a pair of lion paws down. They land with a thud on the arena's sandy floor.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024

People at Uni - Ochrion

You see Octograver Ochrion of the Ancient Order of the Dynastic Crescent, the Eighth Level Wizard.

He is a strapping young human lad.

He is a middle aged wizard, with long scraggly blond hair and a patchy growth of hair on his chin which tries to be a beard. His face is very tanned, making his light grey eyes stand out in a quite odd way. He isn't really fat, but calling him chubby would be a polite way of describing him.

He is in good shape.

He is standing.

His skin looks as elastic as rubber, although it seems weaker around the head.

He has a giant turtle shell floating around him.

He looks rather warm.

Holding : a midnight snow katana (left hand and right hand).

Wearing : a pair of midnight blue men's boots, a finely woven turquoise linen outer robe, a cerulean silk tote bag, a black backpack, a turquoise wizard's pointy hat, an artificer's tool belt, a blue crystal ring, four club badges, a mirrored timepiece, two platinum crescent moon rings, a star sapphire ring, a small leather neck pouch, a twisted black amulet, a rose rhodonite ring and an elegant ring.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2024


In the venerable difcipline of Earth, the adept mage doth commande the fteadfaft and unyieldinge elemente of fton, foile, and all manner of folide matter. Through the ancient incantations of this schole, one may harnefs the primale power of the grounde beneath our verie feete, calling forth tremors and earthquakes to rend the earth afunder at wille. Such maftery doth alfo grant the abilitie to fafhion a skin of rocke about onefelf or others, offering protection as enduringe as the mountaines themfelves. Moreo'er, in the more advanced practife of this arte, a wizzard may forge a bonde with the noble metals hidden within the earth's bofom. By melding and fufing these metals with their verie flefhe, the sorcerer doth endowe their limbes with the strength, refilience, and properties of the metals fo joined.

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2024

Art of the Octangle (5)

Moving away from the Squilltemper Building and towards the Unseen University's Octiron doors, one passes through that curious corner of the octangle, shadowed by the Battlement Balcony, and that is enjoyed by the wizards of the Octarine / Last Order persuasion:

Here on the eastern side of the Octangle, a great shadow looms.  It's the Battlement Balcony, extending an architecturally implausible ten feet outwards from the top of the wall between the University and Sator Square, and keeping the rain off the statue of Archchancellor Niklaus Roxby that sits on a carved granite bench against the wall.  A broken plinth squats next to it, still looking somehow menacing.

In the protective shade of a chestnut tree cuddles a greenish-purple octarine oak bench, and when I try to sit on it I get the following message:

You sit on a greenish-purple octarine oak bench.

> The bench suddenly springs to life, tips you onto the ground, then shuffles off deciding that now is a perfect time to run a quick lap of the octangle.

You stand up.

The bench returns from its light jog around the courtyard.

One doesn't quite get a statue of the archetypal Last Order wizard here, but what you get is even more telling:

In principle, there should have been a statue of a Last Order wizard here.  However, it quickly became a target for Last Order wizards to practise their offensive spells and the smouldering ruins were gingerly removed for extreme thaumic decontamination.  Only a battered plinth carved with knives and fireballs remains, glowing balefully with the remains of thousands of curses, hexes and thaumic assaults.

Another statue can be appreciated, smuggly seated on a stone bench:

Archchancellor Roxby sits here on a carved granite bench, one hand upraised as though to declaim from the book he holds in his other.  A prolific poet, he left a generous bequest to have his collected works released in a luxury edition and his papers filed forevermore in the Library for the delight of wizards of generations to come.  The resulting handsome calfskin-bound edition of one copy now resides in the Obscure and Hazardous Literature Collection under lock, key and magical binding, and it is not known where the then Librarian filed his papers.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024

Unseen University Postcards - Wizard Lanterns

A wizardly brass lantern is hanging on a wall.

l lantern

Short and stout, with a fanciful cap in the shape of a pointy wizard's hat, this lantern is perhaps not the most efficient of illumination sources, but this pattern has been used in the octangles, courtyards and byways of Unseen University since time immemorial.  A fat white candle sits inside it, waiting for night-time.

People at Uni - Quow

You see Quantum Quow Bell of the Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken Circle, the Seventh Level Wizard.

He is a strapping young human lad.

A bipedal cow, with opposable thumbs, and a friendly face.  Maybe he was once a human, transformed in a freak magical accident into a cow... or once was a regular cow, from which being around too much thaumic radiation lead him to a little more awareness and communication skills than the typical bovine.  Either way, you find yourself craving a glass of milk while looking at him.  Moo.

He is in good shape.

He is sitting.

He has a withered buttercup and a withered bellflower neatly braided into his hair.

His skin looks as hard as rock, although it seems weaker around the neck.

He has a giant turtle shell floating around him.

Holding : a jagged coral dirk (left hand) and a Klein bottle (right hand).

Wearing : a pair of black silk gloves and a durable wizard's white cloak.

Carrying: a rose scented candle.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024


In the mystickal arte of the Air, verily doth a wizard gaine dominion o'er the ethereal elemente, the very breath of lyfe that doth surround us all. By mastering this subtle force, one maye wield the power to compelle the winds to dance at thy beck and call, invoking the fayrie Sylphs's aid in making thy weapons lighter. With but a whisper and a gesture, the skilled mage may cause the gasses to shift and swirl, shaping the verie atmosphere to their will. Moreo'er, in the deft hands of such a practitioner, the air itself may become a bridge betwixt the heavens and the earth, allowing the sorcerer to walk upon the verie sky as though it were solid grounde.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

Art of the Octangle (4)

Advancing widdershins from our last stop in the octangle, just as we arrive in front of the Squilltemper building, we come in the the corner where congregate the conjurers of a demonological familiars, be they Sages of the Unknown Shadow or Black wizards:

Despite the size of Unseen University's main Octangle this area manages to seem almost cosy, between the clock tower to the north and the ancient chestnut trees whose boughs spread over the cobbles, the manicured lawns, and a dramatically gesturing statue.  The Tower of Art rises to the west, and the main gates sit northeast of here, while the studded oak door to the south leads - in theory - into the Squilltemper Building.

Here stands an ominous black oak bench under a chestnut tree, and trying to sit on it, being what I am, gives the following result:

You sit on an ominous black oak bench.

> The bench suddenly changes its shape to become a steep slope, sending you sliding down onto the grass.

You stand up.

The summer heat gently radiates from the ground.

The bench changes back into its normal bench-like shape.

The obligatory statue for the archetypal Sage of the Unknown Shadow is close at hand:

With a characteristic flair, this cadaverously thin wizard appears to be calling some sort of horrendous demon from Hell - an impression aided, admittedly, by the horrendous black marble demon forcing its way through the earth at their feet.  The carved black marble robes of a wizard of the Sages of the Unknown Shadow contrast sharply with the wizard's gothically white marble hands and face.

Yet another toy is available here, in the form of some musical chimes that can be played for curious sounds, but only effectively by better percussionists than myself:

Spired and fretted like some deconstructed and inverted Borogravian castle, this assemblage of tubes - some blown from glass, some carved from crystal in a multitude of swirling colours, and some of octiron - chimes and twinkles in each passing breeze.  They hang from a plate of solid octiron, inlaid with glyphs and bearing a dedicatory inscription.
Sparkles of octarine light constantly bloom and dance around the chimes.
It appears to have something written on it.
read chimes
You read the set of octiron and crystal wind chimes:
Written in flourishing letters:
Octavius Semelustrius, Professor of Musicology, set me here on this day the 17th of Grune, Year of the Concussed Ocelot, for the delight and edification of All Wizardry.

martes, 1 de octubre de 2024

People at Uni - Geryon

You see Geryon Womblesworth the Senior Wizard of Mrs. Widgery's Lodgers.

He is a strapping young human lad.

Geryon is a man of 6'1" and unusually lithe of frame as wizzards go. His hair is blonde, flecked with gray and his eyes are piercing hazel. His eyes regard you with calculating curiosity and shine with a mixture of saintly benevolence and devilish mischief.

He is in good shape.

He is standing.

His skin looks as hard as rock, although it seems weaker around the face.

He has a giant turtle shell floating around him.

Holding : Fric (left hand) and Frac (right hand).

Wearing : a pair of dark shades, a pair of black soft-soled boots, Pie Mitts, a midnight black chimerahide overcoat, a midnight black wizard's pointy hat and an emerald earring.

Carrying: a hyena right eye, an elephant right eye and a hessian sack.

His purse is fit to burst!