jueves, 5 de julio de 2007

Order Rooms - The Brothers of the Silver Star

[Special thanks goes today to Master Darevaine, the Silver Star Wizard who kindly provided me with the descriptions...]

You see a vision in the silver mirror:
This is the common room for the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star. Though, it shouldn't be hard to tell. There is a large round drum in the middle of the room that acts as a table, around which are many wooden chairs. The walls have all been made from wood, and the ceiling has been vaulted for that added flair. The floor, on the other hand, is covered by a thick layer of sawdust. Against one of the walls sits a chest; on either side, a pedestal can be seen. A board and a plaque hang on a wall.
A small octarine eye, hovering in the middle of the room, watches you.
There are three obvious exits: east, south and west.

look table: Exquisitely crafted, this table has been made into a type of drum. The top of the table hosts a large, round crystal surface which both protects the wood and the bulletin board laying underneath. The sides of the drum have been carved and allow you to see into the drum's base.

l walls: The walls are wooden and mostly plain.

l floor: The floor is made from high density wood and is covered in a thick layer of sawdust.

l ceiling: The ceiling has been vaulted and has a single glowing star hovering near the centre which illuminates the room.

l star in ceiling: This is a hovering silver star. It emits a bright and rather useful light.

l chest: 'This is a fretwork chest which has been painstakingly carved from rowan. The filigree is so intricate and delicate that it defies you to see inside it. Alas, it is a magical chest and looking inside would likely only cause confusion to the mundane onlooker. However, small though it is, it will hold all manner of objects.

look pedestal: These are forged from raw iron. Each one holds either a hammer or an anvil.

look hammer, anvil in pedestal: 'This is a large octiron hammer. Its shaft is made from petrified sapient pearwood. Along the head of the hammer mystical runes sparkle and gleam. It might be possible to bang the hammer against the anvil for posterity sake. Though, it's not advised.' 'This is an anvil made from pure octiron. It has not a single scratch on it, though mystical runes cover its surface completely. It's obviously not used for anything more then symbolism'.

[after looking around a bit, we reached the conclusíon that the hammer must be the way of going to the Wizard bar. Probably: 'bang hammer against anvil' should do the trick...]

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