martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Books - Ae Thouesand and Onne Thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes

[We keep the topic in the field of Necromancy, as it seems... Today, the book description of the first of the two cadaver-fiddling grimoires we keep at the library. This first one contains easier spells to cast -most if not all of them will very soon be in the range of any midbie wizard-, among them the famous exploding eyes discovered by Pragi and which form the basic room-offensive spell for all of us (I personally prefer EHA, but candles are rarer to find than eyes).
On the personal anecdotical register, I can announce that I've improved my domain over the weather-ring spell enough to get a 50-60% of successes. Stuffing the elegant rings in my pants, I am starting to feel I little bit like Sauron... Winswand, the Lord of the (Weather) Rings!]

A closed skin-bound grimoire is on the floor.

This heavy grimoire is bound in some sort of pale skin; you try not to think about from what manner of creature the skin was taken.

Octarine slowly pulses across the surfaces of the book.

Table of Contents:

2 - Dismal Digit of Doom

3 - Pragi’s Fiery Gaze

4 - Myrandil’s Mask of Death

5 - Narquin’s Hand of Acquisition

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