domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

Gold, Gold, Gold!

(At Spellcheck Project)

As you may have noticed, there seems to be some inaccuracy in the stages prediction of some spells at SPC. The two most notable cases are, it seems, Wonker's Wicked Wobble and Gillimer's Ring of Temperate Weather.
The problem is with the gold skill (at least that's the case with Wonker's, and probably so with Gillimer's). One of the reasons might be that when submitting spellchecks, we have to remember that the gold skill isn't part of the magic branch (that is to say, it won't be submitted if we type 'skills magic' and 'spellcheck fully xxx' and then uploading). Just 'skills' is your friend.

Right now at 253 bonus in (which SPC says should read 'you are a little more likely to succeed than to fail' but my own spellcheck states as 'you would most certainly fail'), I'll keep spending xp in it in the following days and sending spellchecks. Might do the same for Gillimer's, but I imagine my gold bonus is quite over what may be needed (and useful in research) for that...

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