domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007

Books - Introeductyon too thee Strukture of thee Multyverss

A well-read volume is on the floor.

The covers of this book are well-creased and the pages are dog-eared, with many a fingerprint and grease stain on them. You’d guess that this is one of the main texts for a course at the University.

Small octarine sparks crackle fitfully through the creases and folds in the pages.

Table of Contents:

2 – Rubayak’s Power Storage

3 - Frygellan’s Fiendish Orb Disruptor

4 - Brother Happalon’s Elementary Enchantment

5 - Jogloran’s Portal of Cheaper Travel

6 - Endorphin’s Floating Friend

7 - Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer

8 - Fabrication Classification Identification

9 – Master Glimer’s Amazing Glowing Thing

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