martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence

What's it called? Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence (in short, TEA)

What does it do? Well, Turnwhistle's allows you to turn any item you want into the equivalent of a yellow stone ring (that is, an item that will give 'light' while worn at the cost of using some of your gps). It is a pretty straightforward thing. The 'light colour' of the transformed item will depend on what was the light the glass nugget had when the spell was cast (see below).
There isn't much use for the spell, as wizards tend to use magic for seeing in the dark (or permalights) and I doubt there's much of a demand for what amounts to customized yellow stone rings. Still, it is nice to have all sorts of spells.
The spell has an 'anti-matter' equivalent in Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition, which returns the items affected by it to their original, 'lightless' state.

Where is it? Being a part of the crafting business (in this case, light-object crafting), it belongs inside the Intermediate Artifact Magic, fourth ed. volume, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? the focus of an octogram, a lantern, a shimmering glass nugget and an item of clothing, armour or jewellery upon which to cast the spell. In the past, the nugget was consumed in the process, but I believe the one that dissapears now is the lantern...

What skills do I need? Divining, Convoking, Evoking, Binding

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence on the xxx.
You light the lantern and turn the xxx meditatively in your fingers, noting how it reflects the light.
You turn the lantern carefully and place it into the heart of your shimmering glass nugget.
You reach into the heart of your shimmering glass nugget and draw out the essence of lantern light, letting it play around your fingers.
You wrap the xxx carefully in the essence of lantern light, braiding the colourful strands in a complex weave.
The xxx flashes through all of the rainbow's colours before settling into an aqua/vermilion/jade green glow, which sinks into its surface without a trace.


When you wear the item, you get the following lines (change colour to appropiate one):

A jade green glow spreads out from your middle to envelop you.

He is surrounded by a jade green glow.

Help Information:

Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence - instil an item of clothing, armour, or jewellery with the essence of daylight.

Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence allows the skilled Wizard to imbue a garment or accoutrement with the priceless gift of light in dark places. Said garment or accoutrement will maintain its light by leeching the wearer's concentration a little from time to time.

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