martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition

What's it called? Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition (in brief, SFP2)

What does it do? One of the (relatively) new daemonologist spells, Skeetbraskin's works as a counter-spell to Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence. The latter turns any item into a light source similar to yellow stone rings. The former cancels that effect and makes the item normal and 'light-free' again.
Overall, the spell is quite useless, unless you are a very regular caster of TEA. Still, I wouldn't complain about the addition of any new spell, whatever it may be...

Where is it? As it brings forth evil slime for its light-extinguishing purposes, it follows it should lie inside the My Firste Demon-Summoning Booke! By Beatrix Faust grimoire, at the Unseen University library.

What does it require? Nothing. An item that has previously had TEA cast over it.

What skills do I need? Summoning, Abjuring, Conjuring, Banishing

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition on xxx.
Whispering the secret names of darkness and pain, you dip your left hand into the shadows beyond the edge of the Disc and withdraw a handful of oozing, writhing, squamous slime.
You snarl a Word of Compulsion at the demonic slime coating your hand, abjuring it from devouring your fingers.
You raise your hand dramatically, lofting a writhing blob of cold, corrupt darkness at xxx.
You shake the remainder of the demonic slime from your hand, sending it spattering across the lower dimensions whence it came.
The demonic slime lands on xxx with a loud GLUP, sinking into the surface and leaving behind a faint lightless black patina. The world seems a little darker now.

Help Information:

Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition - summon demonic slime from the darkness beyond the edge of the Disc to remove inherent light from an object.

Skeetbraskin's Fuliginous Perdition is a zeroth order offensive spell which will turn an item enchanted with Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence into an ordinary non-glowing item.

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