domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008

Turning the Wheel

Yesterday was quite a busy day. After blorpling and visiting Dave the Necromancer (great equipment he has! Pity 'tis so damn heavy...) I've been cultivating my arts and crafts. Violin and flute are much more remiss these days to reward my playing with some expertise, but pottery compensates for their failiures...
So this is the last ginger jar I've shaped and use for holding purple mineral powder and a nice work too , if it isn't preposterous that I should say so myself):

This is one of the rooms that members may rent from the club. A wardrobe stands opposite the bed and a door leads out into the corridor.
There is one obvious exit: north.
A beautiful storm-cloud grey ginger jar is on the floor.

>look jar
Even small and day-to-day items can grab the imagination of the casual viewer. This beautiful ginger jar is such an incredible piece of work that it does just that. A refined umber and jade green portrayal of a revered kitsune fox adorns its surface, a magic jewel cradled between its five tails. It has been coated with a bright storm-cloud grey glaze.
It appears to have something written on it.
The beautiful storm-cloud grey ginger jar is almost empty with some purple mineral powder.
It is almost empty.

>read jar
You read the beautiful storm-cloud grey ginger jar:
Written in the clay in elegant script:

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