viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

Dismal Digit of Doom

What's it called
? Dismal Digit of Doom (in short, DDD)

What does it do?
This spell allows you to send an anonymous and macabre message to someone of your choice. The message will be written for them by a dismal finger, that will afterwards drop back to its dead state.
Well, the message doesn't have to be macabre, really. But sending it through an undead finger is. Nice toy spell, but I'd use it more myself if it wasn't slightly unconvenient with the components, as I don't tend to carry chalk powder with me, except when I am casting the troll-skin. As for index-fingers, they are quite easy to come by with...

Where is it?
Along with other body-fetching-and-disturbing spells that make the delights of the Order of Midnight, you may body-snatch this one out of the Ae Thouesand and Onne Thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes grimoire, in the Unseen University Library.

What does it require?
just a pinch of chalk powder and an index finger. Both are 'consumed' (if you call it that...) in the process.

What skills do I need?
Enchanting, Healing, Binding, Animating

Has it worked?
A correct output of the spell should read as follows:

You prepare to cast Dismal Digit of Doom on xxx (Player target).
A voice says: No, you go left into the Street of Small Gods. Right would take you into Attic Bee Street [1].
You give your message to the finger.
You use the chalk dust to patch up the bleeding stump of the finger.
You bind a small amount of magic into the finger.
The finger quivers and shakes in your hand.
The finger crawls away through a small wormhole.

Help Information

Dismal Digit of Doom - give a scare.

This spell allows you to send a finger to another person with a chilling message.

The syntax for the spell is a bit tricky. You have to type "cast Dismal Digit of Doom at xxx (target) with **************** (message)".

As for the receiving output, it is something like this:

A small wormhole suddenly opens four feet above the ground and a dismembered index finger crawls through it.
The finger straightens and begins pointing towards you.
It beckons.
The finger slowly begins to write, hovering in mid-air, leaving a softly glowing white trail.
The finger finishes its message and rapidly rots away, leaving only its fingernail behind.
Your eyes are drawn irresistibly to the softly glowing words hanging in the air.
A part of you realises that even though the ancient script is unfamiliar, you can absorb the meaning nonetheless:
xxxxx (the message)

[1] Optional, it seems. Might vary (depending on the target’s place when casting?).

1 comentario:

FraVernero dijo...

From what I've read in Sekiri's site, the spell might have been slightly different in the remote past, as it seems the finger would paralyze its listener (and therefore, the spell was PK checked). If that was the case, it has long ago finished doing those things (just as the spying eye spell, Oberlocks something something, has also dissapeared...)