miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

Should I go to the retro?

A long, long time ago, I made my first visit to the retrophrenologist. In that occasion, I decided I could do with a bit more strength at the cost of some dexterity. Now I am wondering if I should sacrifice that gained strenght and send it towards wisdom...

As it stands, my current rearrange is as follows:

Constitution 11 Dexterity 12 Intelligence 18 Strength 14 Wisdom 10

More wisdom would imply the following advantages: a highter ma.sp.sp bonus (and therefore, a bit more of the always needed midspace for spells) and higher bonuses in the spiritual skills (something that would make my quest for the Deadly Deamon easier to attain. To get 330 bonuses in banishing, abjuring and summoning, I need now about 352 levels in each. With the new rearrange, it would be enough with 336 levels). It would also slightly improve my dodge.

The setbacks (at least in the skills I use regularly) would be in adventuring.health (ouch! a very basty one! I'd need to climb 65 levels more -up to 400- just to recover the bonus I have now), magic.spells.offensive (here I'd need 23 levels more to catch up), fighting.melee.sword (10 levels here) and fighting.points (29, but then I'm at a quite modest 201 levels, so it wouldn't be much of an effort). And, of course, a roughly 10 per cent increase in burden.

All in all, I feel like I'm not going to make changes, as the lowering of health would be really annoying (I need all the health I can get for the remote future when I start daemon and dragon-casting), and the difference between 333 and 352 levels is a bugger, but doable in 3 skills (on a rough guess, 5-6 millions xp each?). The extra mindspace I think will have to wait for some future and expensive expenditure. Nevertheless, I am open to comments and suggestions from you, anonymous readers, on the topic...

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