lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

Pragi's Lost Gaze

What's it called? Pragi's Lost Gaze (in brief, PLG)

What does it do? The spell is a slightly modified version of Pragi's Fiery Gaze. It also creates a ball of fire room spell that consumes your adversaries, but the difference is that with this version, you can cast from 'outside' the targeted room. This has the very obvious advantage that the fire victims won't be able to retaliate and hit you back.
The concept is quite good, but in practice, it doesn't work very well, as the damage it does is considerably lower than its brother-spell and (what is much more important), the components are a bugger, and extremely heavy (I can hardly carry them around with more than normal strength). Overall, a nice concept, but an impractical result because of balancing needs.

Where is it? It's one of those exotic spells that abide within the sticky pages of the Spelles of thee Oryent grimoire at the Djelian Institute of Illusionary Learning.

What does it require? An eye, a hand, a left leg and a right leg. All the body parts are consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? Evoking, Evoking (2), Enchanting, Animating, Animating (2), Fire

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Pragi’s Lost Gaze.
You get the two legs and prop them up beside each other.
You shove the hand on top of the legs. The whole structure looks a little shaky.
You walk slowly around the strange looking pile muttering ‘bingo’ under your breath.
The legs jerk a bit and the whole structure seems to hold together more strongly.
You carefully place the eye in the cupped hand.
You wave your hand around above the pile leaving a strangle purplish glow in the air.
The pile stands at attention and looks at you eagerly. Be quick now, the fuse is not very long.
Use the ‘direct’ command to direct the shuffer elsewhere.
The shuffler shuffles out (n,e,s,w…).

Help Information:

Pragi's Lost Gaze - a lost Pragi's looking for a place to explode.

This spell creates a wandering bunch of explodable eyes that will wander off into another room under your direction. After a time it will explode and shower everyone in a surprised wreath of flames. Pragi is said to have thought this spell was a little ungainly in construction, not enough body parts.


Take care of the 'direct' command and type quite quickly after the cast, or the fireball will explode in your face, with all attendant rigour.

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