martes, 17 de diciembre de 2024

People at Uni - The Professor of Recondite Architecture

The Professor of Recondite Architecture is standing here.

l professor

This is the Professor of Recondite Architecture and Origami Map Folding.  As one of the few people who understands the convoluted bent dimensions of the University, coupled with his prowess in origami folding, he is capable of constructing a map of the University (admittedly one that looks like an exploding crysanthemum) that would probably be accurate for the next few days.  He has nimble fingers and a long face covered in a silky smooth black beard with a truly impressive moustache.  His enquiring crystal clear blue eyes are often distant as he ponders new ways of folding paper, or perhaps thinking back to his childhood in Bonk.

He is in good shape.

He is standing.

Holding : a twisted wooden staff (left hand and right hand).

Wearing : a pair of pointy wizard shoes, a black velvet and vermine robe and a pointy wizard's hat.

His purse is home to only moths!

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