domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly

What's it called? Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly (in short, PTQWB)

What does it do? Well, it invokes some of the power of the Quantum Weather Butterfly, meaning that you can change for a time the temperature in the room you're in, making it hot or cold. The spell takes a bit and its results are quite showy (while working, a fantastic magical lotus is added to the room description). As for its uses, it is mainly a decent-level toy spell, although it can come handy when you're in very hot or cold (deadly) places, and give you taskmasters in the elementals branch if you aren't a Circle wizard.

Where is it? Well, this is one of those agatean pretty and weird spells added some time ago, so it lurks under the cover of the Heavenly Arts volume at the Bes Pelargic Wizard's Guild.

What does it require? No components, but the focus of an octogram.

What skills do I need? Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Binding

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly.
You close your eyes as you stand at the edge of the octogram, and allow your fluid thoughts to spread out in tranquility, your mind a peaceful leaf on the calm seas.
Focusing on the earth at the very centre of the octogram, you force it to rise into an arcane, eight-sided dais.
You consider the weather in all its grandness, and send your thoughts into the high winds, divining the mysteries of warmer/cooler weather.
Searching back into the recesses of your mind, you push through to a point in time and space where the weather was warmer. With these thoughts in mind, you send them before you, creating great warmth. / Searching back into the recesses of your mind, you push through to a point in time and space where the weather was cooler, and send thoughts of high heat there, displacing the coolness and bringing it closer to you.
Your concentration at a maximum, you start to form these thoughts into a single, solid lotus of fire/ice, which hovers before you in the centre of the octogram.
You summon a fantastic lotus upon an earthen dais within the centre of the octogram. It spins slowly.

Help Information:

Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly - Summons the powers of the Quantum Weather Butterfly.

Though the Quantum Weather Butterfly is constantly busy, this spell allows you to summon just enough of its energy to change the weather in the room you're in.


Like the Spear, this spell can only be cast outdoors.
You have to cast this spell either with warmth or with coldness. In both cases, the lotus appears
, but with slightly different descriptions:

This is a lotus of intense fire. It sparks on the dais as it spins slowly.

This is a lotus of magically frozen, thaumic ice. Crackling noises can be heard from it as it spins above the earthen dais.

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