miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

Order Rings - Sages of the Unknown Shadow

'Gotta have them all'. I've just bought, right now, the last of the rings I was searching for (by an ironic twist, it was my own Order's, and the first one I ever bought; I even had it deluded, but I must have lost it in some remote robe, cloak, backpack or pothole...). I've even bought them a nice-looking lacquered box in which to lie, and which would also do as I nice piece of decoration if I start renting a property one of these days...

>look case

This is a beautifully engraved small lacquered case. It has the picture on it of two fine steel daggers with delicately jewelled handles.
It is in excellent condition.

As for this entry's ring, it will be the daemonologist's piece, which at a short glance responds quite appropiately as a 'black ring'.

>look black ring

This ring has been cast from octiron, and features a disturbing setting. Its main feature is a blackened, flat disc, with an elegantly faceted ruby at its centre. Around the rim of the disc, blood red letters have been marked into the metal. Between the stone and the letters is an intricate network of silver wires, bulging upward from the face of the disc. The impression is of enormous forces struggling to burst through a barrier, and only the ruby at the centre seems to be holding them back.
Etched in lines of glowing octarine: "Umbra Incognitas"
It appears to have something written on it.
It is in excellent condition.

>read black ring

You read the black ring:
The Sages of the Unknown Shadow

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