martes, 4 de marzo de 2008

Fabrication Classification Identification

What's it called?
Fabrication Classification Identification (in short, FCI)

What does it do?
This is one of the most useful spells for the recharging wizard, alongside with the already mentioned Crondor's Fabulous Detection. If that spell informed you of the safety of attempting to recharge a magical artifact, this spell 'identifies' the said artifact; the identification provides you with the 'true name' of the object (for example, blue crystal rings are 'Rings of Recall', red staves are 'Staves of Frottjor", Balsa Wands are 'Wands of Eternal Light', and so on), which I think is needed for attempting to recharge; and it also informs you of the number of charges left in the said artifact.
Of late, the items on which it can be cast (you have a list of them and of their proper names at Sined's) have been expanded somewhat, including yellow rings and some other trinklets, which shall be posted soon on this site.

Where is it?
It rests inside the folds of the Introeductyon too thee Strukture of thee Multyvers grimoire, a little bit into the depths of the Unseen University Library.

What does it require?
no components; a magical object, to investigate it.

What skills do I need?
Divining, Evoking, Convoking

Has it worked?
A correct output should be something like this:

You prepare to cast Fabrication Classification Identification on xxx (magical artifact).
You wonder about xxx.
You peer at xxx, probing at its ticklish parts.
You coax xxx to make it reveal its basic identity.
The weave indicates that xxx is a *** with xxx charges remaining

Help Information:

Fabrication Classification Identification - Identify an artifact.

The Fabrication Classification Identification is a first order miscellaneous spell that attempts to identify a magical artifact.

We mentioned above that lately, some items have been added to those who get some sort of a feedback from FCI. They are items without 'evident' charges (although they 'spend' after some use), and therefore, dubious as 'artifacts', but they certainly are magical items, and add an appropiate line when looking at the weave. We've already talked about Twisted Black Amulets. Yellow stone rings provide the following:

The weave pulses with soft yellow light.

The elegant rings that result from transmuting plain gold ones through the spell Gillimer's Ring of Temperate Weather also provide a similar line:

The weave glows with the gentle warmth of a spring afternoon.

As for zodiac charms, they also present a message of their own:

The weave squirms and bounces in a happy confusion of fur, feather, claw and scale.

It remains to be known if other magical stuff gives some feedback (Klein bottles aren't considered an 'artifact', so for them, and many others, the weave is empty). Possibly, but not probably, the items made with the new light-clothing spell (Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence), which become equivalents of the Yellow stone rings, might give a weave the colour of the light they emit...

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