So... 'tis rings and bracelets today. Here we have...
Big Ben

Trapped Salamander
Trapped Salamander is an amber-coloured crystal flame ring.
Ding A Ling is a jet black crystal bell bracelet.
Bolshevik is a hammer and anvil bracelet.
What does it do? Well, let's just say I wouldn't call it the most useful of spells. The only thing it does, to my knowledge, is dry you (or others) when you are wet (which may be the result of sweating, raining or having taken a swim in some watery places). The help information says it all, really, and with less words. It might be useful to tm the skills at beginner levels. The failure effects are an extra amount of wetness.
Where is it? Being a non-practical, toy spell (unless it really annoys you to go around soaked and dripping), it is found in the Begynners' Magick tomes at Wizard guild's gyms.
What does it require?: No components at all.
What skills do I require?: Water, Evoking, Water (2)
Has it worked?:
You prepare to cast Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion on xxx.
You attempt to sense the location of water on xxx.
You point at xxx, feeling for the presence of water.
You send out a message to xxx, reminding any water there how it likes to flow.
You visualise flow lines passing down xxx.
Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion - Dry out a target.
An elegant gold ring, surmounted by an intricate setting based on a platform of gold. Seven silver spokes lead in from the rim of the platform, joining to the corners of a heptagon in the centre. In the middle of the ring, surrounded by the polygon, a small house has been picked out in octarines. Underneath the whole design is a depiction of the
Etched in lines of glowing octarine: "Inquilinus"
It appears to have something written on it.
It is in excellent condition.
>read tower ring
You read the tower ring:
Mrs. Widgery's Lodgers
Conjuring - not to be confufed with the type of magickal creation of thyngs - ys ufed to requeft a spirit to perform some action, like abjuring but the other way around.
Banishing ys usually ufed to end an encounter with a spirit, sending yt back to yts normal place of dwelling. Having control over the spirit ys a great asfet, as often they prefer being here and don't want to go back.
You prepare to cast Winswand's Zethir Huphiv.
> You blow the ash into the air.
You hold up the ring and look through it.
You whisper "Winswand's Zethir Huphiv" to yourself.
The illusion unfolds...
A Red, horned, sulphurous, angry demon suddenly appears.
Lew-Cypher whispers with malevolence to you: Hello!
Lew-Cypher whispers with malevolence to you: Nothing personal, mate.
The demon taps your shoulder, patronizingly.
Lew-Cypher wields Maxwell's Silver (War)Hammer.
Lew-Cypher moves aggressively towards you!
Lew-Cypher smashes the guts out of you with Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
Hp: 0 (1873) Gp: 127 (327) Xp: 53183
Lew-Cypher says: Bye, bye!
Where is it? It lies for all to learn it in the Introeductyon too thee Strukture of thee Multyverss grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.
What does it require?: A chain, which isn't consumed in the process, but which is also damn heavy (7 pounds), bearing in mind that Strength isn't usually the strongest field for wizards.
What skills do I require?: Evoking, Channeling, Binding
Has it worked?:
You prepare to cast Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit Disruptor on xxx (target with floating object).
You start twirling the chain around xxx.
You carefully aim the chain at a point where it might intersect an object in orbit around xxx.
You send the chain into a counterwise orbit around xxx.
The chain scores a direct hit!
A (floating object) clatters to the ground.
Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit Disruptor - disrupt floating objects.
Frygellhan's Fiendish Orbit Disruptor is a first order offensive spell that disrupts the orbits of any objects floating around its target, knocking them to the ground.
Where is it? As would be asumed, the spell is hidden in the Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Everything grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.
What does it require?: Aside from a target to scry, some sort of mirror. It isn't consumed in the process.
What skills do I require?: Channeling, Divining, Scrying
Has it worked?: A good output should read something like this:
You prepare to cast Floron's Fabulous Mirror on xxx (target)
You concentrate on the mirror, pushing your mind into it.
You think about finding things out.
You wave your hands over the mirror.
The silver mirror seems to urge you to gaze into it.
Floron's Fabulous Mirror is a zeroth order spell which allows you to see a snapshot view of any creature or person on the Disc. It requires a mirror to cast.
Scrying ys a broadly applied method ufed to send a wyzard's senfes to another place. Often thys ys done indirectly using crystal balls, mirrors, bowls of water, Caroc cards, Ching-a-ling and a whole hoft of techniques ending in -mancy. Thefe methods are generally preferred over sending the raw senfes where there ys the danger of not coming back.
You prepare to cast Fabrication Classification Identification on xxx (magical artifact).
You wonder about xxx.
You peer at xxx, probing at its ticklish parts.
You coax xxx to make it reveal its basic identity.
The weave indicates that xxx is a *** with xxx charges remaining
Help Information:
Fabrication Classification Identification - Identify an artifact.
The Fabrication Classification Identification is a first order miscellaneous spell that attempts to identify a magical artifact.
As for zodiac charms, they also present a message of their own:
The weave squirms and bounces in a happy confusion of fur, feather, claw and scale.
It remains to be known if other magical stuff gives some feedback (Klein bottles aren't considered an 'artifact', so for them, and many others, the weave is empty). Possibly, but not probably, the items made with the new light-clothing spell (Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence), which become equivalents of the Yellow stone rings, might give a weave the colour of the light they emit...
You prepare to cast Eringyas' Surprising Bouquet.
You carefully open a rift into the flower dimension by staring hard into space.
You conjure up the image of the flower you want in your mind and sketch it out in the space in front of you.
You wave your arms wildly, attracting the attention of the bunch of flowers you wish to bring back.
You quickly reach into the flower dimension and drag a bunch of flowers screaming into this plane.
flowers - Make someone some nice flowers
Eringyas' Surprising Bouquet is a miscellaneous type spell that conjures a nice bunch of flowers into being.
So... flowers I've got from the spell... All 'look quite fresh', and the bouquets 'shimmer in octarine'.
Despite the name, these are not squidgy sea creatures, but brightly coloured, daisy-like flowers with thick petals and a jaunty air.
-sense and sensibilities:
Made of soft and fuzzy pussywillow catkins, this bouquet not only looks cute, but feels cute also. Gufnorkians would be very appreciative of its fluffiness.
These flowers aren't white as one would expect, but pure black. They are often sent as good luck tokens to those whose work takes them abroad by night, and who enjoy the cover of darkness.
Cheerful pinwheel shaped blooms of pure white adorning a thin branch are collected here. The flowers give off a lovely fragrance somehow reminiscent of one's own mortality. This bouquet would be perfect for sending to an assassin admired from afar.
-bleeding hearts:
Graceful thin stalks bearing heart shaped white flowers with red petals dripping downward say either "I love you", or "Thanks for fulfulling the contract on my heart."
Called rain-daisies because the petals have a glistening, bedewed appearance, these blue-white flowers with thin petals radiating from a cheerful yellow centre are as refreshing as a gentle spring rain.
On first look this bouquet seems to be made of one large flower, but closer examination reveals large flat clusters made up of hundreds of tiny, intensely purple, flowers. The whole gives off a heavenly chocolate-vanilla scent.
Brilliant red and purple flowers with a suspicious resemblance to a lady's bloomers dangle appealingly in this bouquet. Perfect for an evening out, or sending to your favourite assassin, these flowers will complement any look.
-matthiola stocks:
Sturdy stalks covered completely with pyramids of red, spice-scented flowers make up this bouquet, providing a treat for the nose as well as the eyes.
-bachelor's buttons:
Cheerful, thistle-like tufts in bright blues and pinks combine for a happy-go-lucky effect. These flowers have been used to discreetly signal that the wearer is single.
These enormous flowers are midnight black, and their outline eerily resembles a bat in flight with wings spread, trailing wisps of dark smoke. There are even little indentations which look like eyes. Be careful with this bouquet, it's watching you.
-baby's breath:
Tiny, pure white flowers tremble on fragile stalks, giving this bouquet a lovely, airy look.
Smelling them gives a small series of feedbacks ('You smell the bunch of xxx's. Wonderful! / Delightful! / Lovely! / Mmm! / Aaachoo!).