jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty

What's it called?
Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty (in brief, CEIB)

What does it do? Funny, almost toy-like oriental spell, really. It shoots a firecracker against the target, which explodes into 'a thousand multicoloured butterflies', doing marginal damage and blinding the target for a spell. Might be useful for finishing creatures (specially trolls) nicely, for running away from tough watchmen/guards or (most probable) to avoid Agatean merchants running away in the middle of an offensive spell cast.

Where is it? Its abode is within the covers of the Illusionary Arts grimoire, in the Bes Pelargic Wizard's Guild.

What does it require? quite annoying for the components; otherwise, I might use it more. A firecracker (which is consumed) and a staff (which isn't).

What skills do I need?
Conjuring, Charming, Staff, Air

Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty on xxx (target).
You hold out the firecracker and conjure the imp within.
Holding the fire cracker out, you ask it to hover in place, right in front of xxx.
You take your staff and hold it at its end and pull it back in a batting fashion.
You take a mighty swing at the fire cracker, and blasting it, cause it to explode into a thousand multicoloured butterflies.
The rainbow of butterflies head towards xxx.

Help Information:

Calm Embrace of Illusionary Beauty – Summon butterflies to beautify a situation.

This spell will summon a swarm of butterflies to attack your target and give them something else to think about. The target will be distracted long enough for a quick wizard to make a silent escape.

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