sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Fyodor’s Nimbus of Porterage

What's it called? Fyodor’s Nimbus of Porterage (nicknamed FNP)

What does it do? Ah, yes. This is the cloud-carrying spell. A sucessful cast creates a cloud spirit that will follow you around (including through portals) and will carry stuff for you. Bearing in mind that wizards don't tend to be the strongest types around, and also the fact that the cloud can carry enormous amounts of weight (the total amount is probably dependent on skills...), it turns out to be quite a useful spell. It does have a set of inconvenients, though, that reduce its virtuosity, such as: 1) the cloud doesn't last disconnections -which may be quite unconfortable if a reboot or a fall have just spoiled a casting; anyway, it is always annoying, and many times you lose the items in the cloud, so you shouldn't put anything valuable in it-, dissolving into thin air after you leave (the same effect is obtained by taking all objects from it); 2) during the casting you have to share some of your wits and strength with the air spirit (which means you'll have some nasty STR and INT maluses which you'll need a Pishite or a ride in the slide to compensate for); 3) the total number of objects carried by the cloud seems to be eight (more if you put things inside others things, of course); 4) it seems it is quite easy to 'steal' from the cloud, and that bypasses pk-npk protections (shouldn't be a problem, though, as you shouldn't be carrying valuables in it, as per point 1).
Overall, the cloud is of much use, but I only tend to cast it myself when I'm going to be online at least 3 or 4 hours. Otherwise, the inconveniences of learning the spell, getting the components, casting and restoring become a bit irksome. When using porter clouds, I tend to put one or two sacks full of torches in their mist, and combine them with a handy alias for casting lots of Spears.

Where is it? It floats around hardly bound under the covers of the Invoakatyons in thee Mysterie of Wynd grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require?: A candle and a (soaking wet) towel. No components consumed, but the towel does suffer some damage, so check its state after some casting if you're using the same one.

What skills do I require?: Water, Fire, Air, Summoning, Abjuring, Channeling

Has it worked? A good output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage on xxx (towel).
You unwrap the wet towel trying to avoid squeezing too much water out of it.
You light the candle and hold the towel above the flame.
The (xxx) towel grows hot in your hands.
You command the steam coming from the towel to form a cloud.
You whistle innocently as you try to trap the air spirit using your steaming towel as a lure.
You struggle to hold the trapped spirit under control while thinking hard what to do next.
You decide to share your mental and physical strength with the spirit.
The air spirit seems pleased with his new-found strength and agrees to do your bidding.
A white cloud forms in front of you.

Help Information:

Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage - creates a cloud porter

Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage is a miscellaneous spell that summons a powerful cloud spirit to carry things. When the cloud has nothing to carry, it will dissipate. If the cloud stops following your orders, try to "poke" it.
Please note that when you leave Discworld, the cloud will disappear along with everything it is carrying.

Valid commands

order cloud to {takegrabcarrylift}
order cloud to {releasedrop}
order cloud to return
order cloud to follow

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