domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates

What's it called?
Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates (in brief, TDCF)

What does it do? I've already had occasion in the past to speak about this spell, or at list, of its results, so I will be quite brief. The spell allows you to create for someone else (not for you) a Zodiac Charm, which is a nice piece of very spammy jewellery. For information about how does it look, how does it change and the messages it produces, take a look here.
As to its uses, it allows you to suffer the same effects as a failure in the casting of Mugwuddle's: that is, to be trapped for a time in a hallucinatory world. What that would be good for, aside from the fun, is arguable.
The charm counts as 'armour' so be careful not to wear it while fighting, or it will break rather soon, and then you'll need to find a caster with the spell and components (quite expensive ones, too).

Where is it? We're in the crafts domain here, and this is the only spell at the moment found in the agatean volume called Advanced Arts and Sciences of the Cunning Artificer, at the Bes Pelargic Wizard's Guild.

What does it require? A sliver of octiron, a staff and the focus of an octogram. The sliver is 'consumed' in the process.

What skills do I need? Crafts Points, Turning, Whittling, Enchanting, Binding

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates on xxx (someone else).
You step into the middle of the octogram and clench the octiron sliver in your firm, magical grasp.
Opening your hand, you stare at the sliver in your palm and force it to rise and ask it to spin.
As the sliver spins, you start whittling away at it with your mind.
The sliver starts to take form.
Noting the new form of the sliver, you concentrate on it fully and begin filling it with the taumic energies encircling you.
The spinning mass begins to slow down.
You catch it in midair and grip it firmly, binding the enchantment completely within the object.
A xxx charm wiggles in your hand!

Help Information:

Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates - Summons an object of terrible power.

Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates will call into existence a charm of incredible power.
You will, of course, have to cast this on someone else since you already know how charming you are.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

Stacklady's Morphic Resonator

What's it called? Stacklady's Morphic Resonator (in brief, SMR)

What does it do? This one's easy: it turns the victim into a frog. Or rather, it mutates them into a frog "that looks an awful lot like the victim".
Aside from the fun, what are the effects and advantages of turning someone into a member of the amphibian population? Well, while the spell lasts, some stats are lowered, and the frogs cannot speak, only croak, meaning that frogged wizards, witches and priests won't be able to cast spells or rituals. Also, you cannot hold weapons with webby hands, leaving the slimy adversaries with no other offensive options than unarmed melee.
Being turned into a frog does paradoxically have small advantages. The swimming and dodging bonuses of the victims increase greatly under it (although in some cases, the persons have higher dodge bonuses in their normal state).
Overall, this is an incredibly useful spell, which works more by 'disarming' your oponents and their attacks for a time, rather than dealing raw damage. It comes very handy for specific opponents, and doesn't start a fight, despite being classed as 'offensive'. Its only major handicap is that it takes a long time to cast, and (less, but important too) the components used.

Where is it? Being a spell dedicated to changes of shape and form, it belongs inside the Ye Booke of Polymorphe grimoire, at the Institute of Illusionary Learning, in Djelibeybi.

What does it require? A pinch of powdered frog and another one of purple powder. Both are consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? Channeling, Evoking, Enchanting

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Stacklady's Morphic Resonator on xxx (target).
You slowly close your eyes, envisioning the shape of a frog.
You try to draw out the characteristics of a frog from the powder.
Narrowing your eyes, you cast the enchantment forward.
The frog that looks an awful lot like a xxx's throat suddenly swells out in front, and he looks alarmed. He opens his mouth and screams:
The frog that looks an awful lot like a xxx croaks (ribbit).

Help Information:

Stacklady's Morphic Resonator - change a target into a frog.
Stacklady's Morphic Resonator is a first-order offensive spell that causes the target to temporarily change into a frog.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Sorsalsean's Seismic Eruption

What's it called? Sorsalsean's Seismic Eruption (in short, SSE)

What does it do? This is the famous 'earthquake' spell. After casting, it will make the floor rumble in the room where you're in, and some consequences will be falling on the floor and (others aside from the caster), beign violenty thrown out of the room.
As to its uses, they are quite limited, but real, and similar to other recourses (cfs. priestly rituals) which make people get out of a place you don't want them in. Otherwise, it is just a funny spell which is quite easy to cast as a Circle...
In the past, it was said that the 'falls' could imply some reasonable or even heavy damage. This isn't so anymore.

Where is it? The earth-rumbler is one of the earth-and-rock related spells that lies inside Thee Dyscyplyne of thee Stoane grimoire, at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? A pebble, which is consumed in the process

What skills do I need? Earth, Evoking, Chanting, Channeling, Dancing

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Sorsalsean’s Seismic Eruption.
You stare vaguely at the ground.
You begin to gather geothaumic energy into yourself.
You shout loudly, hoping to transfer the remaining energy into the ground.
With a flick of a finger, you transfer the remaining energy into the ground.
You drop a pebble, and tap your foot impatiently.
An earthquake rips through the room!


While it is working, people will be tripping and leaving the room, and you'll get the following output messages from time to time:

(The ground starts to shake violently.)
(The earth roars with ferocious intent.)
A brief sudder indicates that the earthquke is not quite over yet.
An aftershock rips through the ground, shaking the room from side to side.
The earth quivers slightly and then everything is calm again
The earth rumbles in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Help Information:

Sorsalsean's Seismic Eruption - Shake everyone around a bit

Soralsean's Seismic Eruption is a first order offensive spell that involves inserting magic fields beneath the surface of the Disc to disrupt a small area's geothaumic balance. The resulting effect is an earthquake.