So... since the appearance of developer blogs, we have been kept informed of some tweaks and small changes to spells. The ones that most affect us are
Touchstone's work, and they will be mentioned here, alonside with the correspondent changes made on the entry of the affected spell.
So, let's see what we read in the Blogs:
Yet More Fixes To SpellsCrystal balls will now be blocked by Kipperwald's Perlustration Prevention, in the same way Floron's Fabulous Mirror is.
Scolorid's Scintillating Scribbling no longer counts colour codes towards its 88 characters.
Skeleton warriors will now accept & equip weapons and armour their owner gives them, and should also follow through divine hand now.
Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence will now consume the lantern rather than the shimmering glass nugget. I've also added an extra stage, using convoking.
Kelleflump's Irritating Demon will now show the hp monitor every time it does damage to you on a backfire, or to a PK target.
Giving Old Buffers A New Lease Of Life
It's been brought to my attention that Heezlewurst's Elemental Buffer has been both underused and underuseful for a while now.
Accordingly, I've halved the spell size, slightly more than halved the gp cost (because it scales drastically with more crystals), and increased the floor on the amount of damage it will protect against.
Go wild.
Some More Changes To SpellsMyrandil's Vicious Seizure: Previously, we got the same failure message ("An inebriated barge sailor tries to leave, but is held in place by the hands.") when they didn't have enough gp as when they failed the skillcheck. I've silenced that, so combat in fields of undead hands should be less spammy now.
Small blue lights and glowing moths will now actually stop fighting you when you get the message "You get fed up with seeing the small blue light dodge aside, so you stop fighting it." They should now be less lethal.
It should now be less possible to knock floating shields and utensils out of orbit with very weak attacks. Their vulnerability to stronger attacks remains unchanged, but note that there's still a random factor involved.
Stacklady's Morphic Resonator will no longer make you attack the newly emfroggened target. They may still decide to attack you.
Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing Thing can no longer be cast on items you're wearing. Or on the funnel you're using to cast it with.
Have fun!
Spell ChangesSome changes to spells:
There was a bug whereby spells wouldn't use up their reagents if you were wearing them, but would still work. Now they'll neither use them up nor work (it will give the same failure message as it does when you use something you're keeping).
Doctor Kelleflump's Deadly Demon no longer requires you to be evil to cast it. The same spell sometimes backfires even when you succeed; your demonological amulet will now protect you from that, if worn.
Narquin's Mist of Doom can now be cast using any sharp/piercing knife, on the basis that even if it doesn't have a long enough edge to make slashing attacks you can still slice open a cooperative target.
Wungle's Great Sucking can no longer be cast on targets who do not have a heart.
The fireflies summoned by Hag's Blessing are now slightly less lethal when attacked accidentally.
In other news, Master Brimstone (in the Sto Lat Academy of Artificers) has been persuaded to relax his restrictions on how quickly you can use his recharging alcove again. Gaelen can be extremely persuasive.
Have fun!
- Touchstone
It only remains to make the corresponding changes as affects size, components, etc...