sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Myrandil's Vicious Seizure

What's it called?
Myrandil's Vicious Seizure (in short, MVS)

What does it do? Well, it is a very 'handy' (haw, haw) spell. Myrandil's will make a bunch of dead hands sprout from the earth, in a variable number (probably dependant on skills). The said zombie hands will grab the ankles of all the people in the room (two hands per person), and stop them from walking out of your hits and spells. Or at least, try to; the retaining capability is a skillcheck of your magic.offensive bonus (in the past, the abjuring bonus) against the retained person's dodge. Anyway, it will spend some gps of theirs in the attempts to break free (whether they are succesful or not).

Overall, it looks like quite a useful spell (especially in PKdom, or against npcs that run away from magic, like those in Bes Pelargic), but the quite elevated amount of gps that each casting requires, and the relative ease to break free from the grip (even at over 300 bonuses some of the noblemen leave the room in which I've trapped them) make it only a toy spell for me.

Where is it? Being one of the top notch necromantic spells, it is to be found inside the Body Parts for the Advanced Student grimoire at the Unseen University Library.

What does it require? A hand, which is consumed in the process.

What skills do I need? Summoning, Abjuring, Healing, Animating

Has it worked? The proper output should read something like this:

You prepare to cast Myrandil's Vicious Seizure.
You summon the spirits of the dead from below.
You gesture grandly at the earth and command forth dead hands to grab your enemies.(You command dead hands to grab your enemies.)
You send energy through the muscles and nerves of the hand and the fingers move in grasping motions.
You send forth energy to animate the dead!
You feel the ground underneath begin to boil...
Suddenly, xxx rotting, clutching hands burst from the ground.
Two hands grab xxx's and a xxx's ankles!

Help Information:

Myrandil's Vicious Seizure - Seize your enemies.

Myrandil's Vicious Seizure is a first-order offensive spell that summons the hands of the dead to hold your enemies.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration

What's it called?
Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration (in short, CMS2).

What does it do? This spell will allow you to store a staff in a parallel set of non-euclidian dimensions, while still being easily retrievable from there through the mediation of a star sapphire ring, created by the same spell.
As may be evident, it proves quite useful, specially for those of us who don't employ staves as a weapon but need to go back to them from time to time for some spell castings and octogravings. Being as they usually are quite heavy stuff, it is very convenient to have them hidden nearby without burdening you and always accesible.
As to setbacks of the spell, the main one would be that you have to cast it yourself and it only works on the staff it was cast on. The ring skill requirements (over 280 bonuses) are quite demanding too, and the guild points spent per cast (350), staggering.

Where is it? It is one of the new (in fact, the last recorded here) Sto Lat artificer spells, and lies inside the fabled Thee Secrets of Artifyce and Crafte grimoire.

What does it require? The focus of an octogram and a staff (on which you cast the spell). Then, a sapphire ring (blue crystal rings count too, but check before that it has run out of charges) and a handful of purple powder, both of which are consumed in the process (if succesful, the ring will be 'transformed' into a star sapphire one).

What skills do I need? Staff, Ring, Convoking, Enchanting, Binding

Has it worked? A succesful output reads something like this:

You prepare to cast Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration on the xxx (staff).
You gesture with the staff, tracing out the flaws in the world around you where a little pressure might let something slip through to another plane.

You wrap your mind around the sapphire ring, reshaping it into an idealised form and tracing strange fantastical constellations of stars on its surface.

You bring the staff and the ring together, letting the band slip down the shaft and wrap snugly around it.

You sprinkle the purple mineral powder over your staff and sublimate it with a flicker of magic, spinning it out into octarine threads.

You wrap the threads of enchantment around the staff and ring, binding them indissolubly to one another.

The ring, transmuted into a gleaming star sapphire set in an engraved silver band, slides easily off the staff.

Help Information:

Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration - Places a wizard's staff between here and there.

Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration is a zeroth order miscellaneous spell which turns a sapphire ring into a mystical star sapphire with an arcane connection to the caster's staff, allowing him to slip it into a pocket of some other reality for awhile and retrieve it later.

Be aware that there are some hazards associated with this spell.


After a positive cast, a new magic item is created: a star sapphire ring. It looks like this:

This immense faceted sapphire sits clasped firmly in the setting of a broad silver band. A star formed from silver light seems to hover just beneath the surface of the gemstone, shifting this way and that as it tilts, and the band has been engraved with constellations of thickly clustered stars.
The star sapphire is empty, ready for a staff to be stored there. / Within the star sapphire, you can see a xxx (staff), ready to be retrieved.

It has the hazy octarine sparkle of a magical talisman.

It is in excellent condition.

Once made, you can 'store' your staff inside it, or 'retrieve' it after you've sent it there. Both actions are skill-checked, and aside from failures, you can even end up with the staff coming out and hitting you. The normal failure/success messages are:

>store staff between here and there (you have to be holding it):

You prod vaguely at the air with the xxx (staff), but don't manage to shift it out of this plane.
/ You lift your xxx (staff) and twist it slightly to align it with the currents of elsewhere. You twist an arcane thread around it, attaching the other end to your star sapphire ring as its anchor to this plane, and release it to drift between here and there.

>retrieve staff from elsewhere:

You tug on the arcane thread attached to your staff, but it refuses to return to this world.
/ A xxx (staff) hurtles towards you from a great distance, tumbling end over end. You try to catch it, but you mistime your grab and it smacks you across the head. / A xxx (staff) sails through a hole in the fabric of space and time and lands neatly in your inventory.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet

What's it called?
Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet (in short, EHA2)

What does it do? Well, it supposedly creates a 'protective' amulet. Nobody seems to know much about its uses, aside from the fact that it looks superb. Apparently, it shields you from rain (but certainly not from sweat). Any other protective or 'healing' qualities (as implied perhaps in its name?) are yet to be researched.

Where is it? Search for it and start crafting at the Sto Lat library, inside the fabled Thee Secrets of Artifyce and Crafte grimoire.

What does it require? A wand and a container with water. Not too small, this container (a tumbler won't do. A teapot is perfect. And it has to be clear, plain water, like the one you get in fountains, not in the Ankh...). Also, a silver necklace, which isn't exactly *consumed*, but rather *transformed* into a hyaline amulet.

What skills do I need? Wand, Water, Binding, Silver

Has it worked? A succesful output reads something like this:

You prepare to cast Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet on the xxx (water recipient).
You stir the water carefully with your wand, meditating on the nature of wetness.
You concentrate on the nature of vines, forcing the water to rise and twine along the length of your wand.
You shape the image of a pendant in your mind, and bind the twining strands of water into a solid form around it.
With a flicker of magic, you reshape the silver necklace into a glittering white ribbon and fasten on the newly created pendant.
The delicate hyaline amulet settles in your hands softly, like the first snowfall of winter.

Help Information:

Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet - Turns a bowl of water into a piece of protective jewellery.

Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet is a zeroth order miscellaneous spell of Artifice which creates a protective amulet


The amulet looks like this:

Tiny and delicate, this pendant has been made from uncountable threads of clouded crystal, cold to the touch. They weave around each other in a complex pattern, reminiscent one moment of brambles or ivy and the next of falling snow or the surface of a mountain stream. It hangs from a smooth ribbon, with a silver-white sheen like ice, which wraps closely around the wearer's neck.

After a year has passed (discworld year, which should make it about 4 months of playing time), the amulet will melt away with the following message:

Your delicate hyaline amulet softly and silently melts away with the turn of the year, leaving only a lingering touch like a snowflake.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

Rubayak's Power Dispenser

What's it called
? Rubayak's Power Dispenser (in short, RPD)

What does it do? In brief, it is three words: refuel the monkey. More verbously, this is the spell that comes into play once your wooden monkey light-source (the result of Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate Premonition) has run out of steam, and its red crystal no longer illuminates you and your surroundings. It will basically rekindle the item.
Its use is quite limited unless you've decided to regularly use the wooden monkey as your lamp. The fact that it requires some troublesome to get components isn't helpful either, even if the red crystals take some time to fade off.

Where is it? It is one of the new Sto Lat Artificer spells, and therefore kept in Thee Secrets of Artifyce and Crafte grimoire, at the Sto Lat Library.

What does it require? A wooden monkey to start with. Then, a red crystal and a banana, both of which are consumed in the casting process.

What skills do I need? Enchanting, Channeling, Binding

Has it worked? A succesful output reads something like this:

You prepare to cast Rubayak's Power Dispenser on the wooden monkey.
You feed the banana to the wooden monkey who, amazingly enough, is hungry.
Holding the red crystal in your hand firmly, you feed all your artificing energies into it.
You show the glowing red crystal to the wooden monkey and slowly begin feeding its energy into the existing, glimmering crystal within.
A wooden monkey smiles knowingly.
The drained red crystal crumbles to dust.

Help Information:

Rubayak's Power Dispenser - the profitable disposition of bananas.

The great Rubayak developed this spell as an adjunct to Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate Premonition.