One I wasn't able to activate was the Komt of Yoyo's telling me assassin stories in the varied living languages of the Disc (he'll only do it if you're an assassin yourself), but nevertheless, you can try plaque-reading and (on a totally different scale) piano playing at the Modern Language and Music classroom. What I did discover to my delight in the next classroom (Monsieur le Balourd's Dance and Deportment) was this:
There is one obvious exit: west.
Monsieur le Balourd is standing here.
look ceiling
The ceiling arches high above your head, inlaid with rare woods. A crystal chandelier hangs from the centre.
look chandelier
A delicate crystal chandelier hangs from the centre of the ceiling, casting light over the room.
look piano
A recent invention, this piano is actually a pianola, a clockwork piano that plays music without the need to have a pesky musician sitting at it. It is a very expensive instrument, much more so than its non-clockwork counterpart, but is still within the Assassins' Guild's budget and is used to train students to deceive the eye.
play piano
You covertly wind up the piano and pretend to play a delicate Llamedos hymn.
play piano
You covertly wind up the piano and pretend to play a delicate sonata.
play piano
You feel more able to deceive the eye.
You covertly wind up the piano and pretend to play a delicate sonata.
There's lots more to play with, in the class and in the guild. I'll keep looking...