sábado, 30 de junio de 2007
Books - Invoakatyons in thee Mysterie of Wind
A rather torn volume is on the floor.
This is a quite newish-looking book, with the cover decorated in bright green feathers. A number of the pages look a bit raggedy.
Octarine meanders playfully around the feathers.
Table of Contents
2 - G’flott’s Olfactory Nightmare
3 - Fyodor’s Nimbus of Porterage
4 - Gryntard’s Feathery Reliever
5 - Trascendent Pneumatic Alleviator
6 - Effemhor’s Hypersonic Assault
7 - Finneblaugh's Thaumic Float
viernes, 29 de junio de 2007
Amazing Silicate Blorpler
What does it do? This is the poor man's (or rather: the young wizard's) staple blorping spell. It is similar to Al'Hrahaz's, but the blorping element is now a mineral (be it a rock, a cobble, a pebble...), which tends to be heavier than any jewel (can't be worn either). Besides, after each casting of the Portal Spell on the rock, there's a high probability that it will disappear.
Olden sources and tattered pergamins state than long, long ago this was the only blorping spell available for wizards, which should make us thankful of kind creators and developments in the arts of magic...
The spell, as mentioned, is hardly of any use except for young wizards (and even those would probably do better by buying a set of ring blorples and leaving the extra mind space for other spells) and as a curiosity.
Where is it? Like all the young-wizard spells, it may be found in any of the tomes of Begynners' Magick that are to be found in the Gyms of all of the Wizard's Guilds.
What does it require? A Rock/Cobble/Pebble (not consumed in the casting of the spell, but very probably in the portal casting on it).
What skills do I need? Evoking, Channeling, Evoking (2), Chanting, Chanting (2)
Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:
You prepare to cast Amazing Silicate Blorpler on xxx (rock, cobble, pebble).
You look around carefully.
You show xxx the area, carefully pointing out all of the major features to it.
You pat xxx nicely.
You whisper sweet things to xxx.
You yell at xxx : Remember this place or die!
xxx seems to purr contentedly.
Help Information:
Amazing Silicate Blorpler – Remember locations.
The Amazing Silicate Blorpler is a first order miscellaneous type spell that encodes the caster’s location in the rock at which it is cast.
jueves, 28 de junio de 2007
Books - Spelles of thee Arte of Fyre
A slightly charred grimoire is on the floor.
Table of Contents
miércoles, 27 de junio de 2007
Al'Hrahaz's Scintillating Blorpler
What does it do? This is everyone's favourite blorping spell. A succesful casting transforms any piece of jewellery (normally, rings are the most employed) into a blorple, that is to say, an artifact which keeps in memory the place where it was blorped, and which may be used to travel back there by casting Jogloran’s Portal of Cheaper Travel on it.
Its main virtue (as opposed to the other blorping spell, the Amazing Silicate Blorper) is that jewellery (depending on its quality) takes many castings to wear out. If you keep repairing your blorpes, they should last indefinitely as your portal-key to places.
Where is it? You need to travel to the mind-buzzling library of the Institute Of Illusionary Learning, in Djelibeybi and fiddle in a sticky grimoire aptly named Spelles of thee Oryent.
What does it require? some piece of jewellery (normally, rings are used most). It shouldn't be consumed unless, alas!, you miscast. In that case, it will explode into pieces, and depending on its quality, hit you with a GREAT deal of damage. Can easily kill you (with gold rings, I think, miscasts cost 1000+ hitpoints. Magic shields do offer some protection from the blast).
You also need to draw an octogram before you start to cast, and to be wearing the jewel you want to blorp.
What skills do I need? Evoking, Channeling, Evoking (2), Chanting, Chanting (2)
Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:
You spit carefully on the xxx.
You polish the xxx energetically.
You polish the xxx until it starts to glow.
You finally get the xxx hot enough.
You imprint the memory of your surroundings in the xxx.
The xxx seems to purr contently from within.
Al'Hrahaz's Scintillating Blorpler - Remember a location.
Al'Hrahaz's Scintillating Blorpler is a first order miscellaneous type spell that encodes the caster's location in the piece of jewellery at which it is cast.
martes, 26 de junio de 2007
Winswand promised himself a happy harvesting day through the stinky streets of the Great Wahoonie. While roaming the middle of Short Street, an appetizing group of a merchant and three (human) bodyguards caught his eye.
Sweet and easy cake, thought the wizard. I won't even have to spend always scarce candles or carrots. A few eyes at the most. A little dance and Pragi's Fiery Gaze was let loose. Then, disaster struck.
After reconnecting (and resurrecting, and cursing), Winswand remembered having buried the LAG's cured head, which until recently he kept at a vault for kicking around and for a possible casting of Myrandil's mask of death, a toy spell he was very fond of. It gives bad luck to treat him reasonably, he thought.
So, while musing plans for revenge (and suffering from that post-death trauma and the lazyness of having to go to Pishe's for a new life and to the Library for re-remembering each and every spell), Winswand decided to drown his miseries in cheap wine and the best lamb curry you can find in Ankh-Morpork.
(Incidentally, the lamb wasn't lamb and the wine wasn't cheap. Well, when things start turning wrong, they forget to change the direction from time to time...)
lunes, 25 de junio de 2007
Books - Thee Dyscyplyne of thee Stoane
A weighty tome is on the floor.
This is a ponderous book, with the covers formed from thin slabs of a greyish rock. The pages are a bit mud-streaked.
Blobs of octarine light ooze in a disturbingly organic fashion over the unevenness of the rock.
2 - Sorsalsean’s Seismic Eruption
3 - Old Bellicus’ Brazen Knuckles
4 - Chrenedict's Calcareous Covering
domingo, 24 de junio de 2007
A Cup of Tea and Sake
We begin with this simple spell, one of the easier ones to cast, and which might appropiately be called 'Reverse Scrying'.
What does it do? As you might have guessed from the name I propose, it makes yourself visible to somebody of your choice. During a brief time, the receiver will find one of his items turned into a scrying machine just tuned for the sender's image and his/her whereabouts.
Where is it? This spell may be found in the Divinational Arts tome that is to be seen roaming through the Bes Pelargic Wizard's Guild library.
What does it require? any piece of paper (from small tobacco-roling bits to book pages). Be careful, though, as the paper is consumed, and scrolls you might be carrying could accidentaly be destroyed by the use of a careless alias.
What skills do I need? Channeling, Divining and Scrying.
Has it worked? A correct output should read something like this:
You prepare to cast A Cup of Tea and Sake on xxx (the scry receiver).
You stare hard at the paper.
You attempt to imprint the essence of the enviroment into the paper.
You crumple up the paper and toss it high in the air, concentrating hard on xxx.
You channel the imprinted image of the paper towards xxx. The paper implodes impressively.
Help Information:
A Cup of Tea and Sake - Helps a show a friend just where to come.
This spell enables you to show a friend just where on the Disc you are.